Hi everyone,
The agenda for our December meeting is below. We will have a special call-
in from Richard Michael of BigBadBonds.com to tell us about his efforts
in California. Other than that, most of the time we can devote to
deciding on details for our convention on January 19th. Rebecca has been
wonderful in organizing it and we will have a great venue with plenty of
space and flexibility-- 580 Howard St-- thanks to Zeb. We hope to see
you there!
RSVP for the regular LPSF meeting on December 8:
Please let me know if there is anything you'd like to edit on the
Thanks and see you Saturday,
Monthly Meeting - December 8, 2018
San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin St., Sycip Conf. Room (4th floor)
1. Introductions (3:00 - 3:10)
2. Reports (3:10 - 3:35)
1. Chair’s Report
2. Vice Chair’s Report
3. Secretary’s Report
4. Treasurer’s Report
5. Newsletter Report
3. Unfinished Business
1. LPSF Convention Planning (3:35 - 3:55)
2. Panel discussion planning (3:55 - 4:20)
4. Activist Reports (4:20 - 4:30)
5. Call from Richard of Big Bad Bonds (4:30-5:00)
Upcoming Events
** SF Liberty Coalition and “None of our Business” Happy Hour events are
cancelled for December. **
Thursday, December 6: *Panel: What Happened to the 'Golden Age of
Free Speech'?**4-5pm, Marine’s Memorial Club & Hotel, Commandant’s Room (10th floor),
609 Sutter St, San Francisco*Join us for a conversation that explores how to promote and protect free
expression in this environment. What role should the new
“gatekeepers”—Google, Twitter and Facebook—play? What ways can people
sort through the chaos to find reliable information? How can we protect
the rights and values guaranteed by the First Amendment in an era when
public speech has essentially become privatized?_https://firstamendmentcoalition.org/what-happened-to-the-golden-age-of-free-speech/_
Friday, December 14: *Future Cities & Distributed Societies:
Governance, Software**5-9pm, Node, 1011 Kearny St.*
Speakers: Christine Peterson, David Friedman, Patri Friedman, Tom Bell, Zoltan Istvan_https://www.eventbrite.com/e/future-cities-distributed-societies-governance-software-tickets-52947221565_
Saturday, January 19: *Libertarian Party of San Francisco
Convention 2019**1-5pm, 580 Howard St.*
Our annual convention! Officer elections, change bylaws, and discuss
plans for 2019. Keynote speaker: Dr. Lydia Ortega, professor at SJSU and
former candidate for Lt. Governor.Meetup: _https://www.meetup.com/the-LPSF/events/zwkndqyzcbqb/_
Facebook: _https://www.facebook.com/events/354083115400186/_
Eventbrite: _https://www.eventbrite.com/e/libertarian-party-of-san-francisco-convention-2019-tickets-53225603212_
Wednesday, January 23: *Free San Francisco! Town Hall Caucus Event*
*6-9pm - 580 Howard St.*
For everyone who wants more freedom in San Francisco, even if it's only
on one issue! This is your space to meet and caucus with others who care
about getting government off people's backs on that issue. Plus special
feature each month!_https://www.meetup.com/SF-Liberty-Coalition/_
Thursday, January 24: “*None of Our Business” LPSF Happy Hour*
*7-10pm, ThirstyBear Brewing Co, 661 Howard St.*
Unable to make it to our regular monthly meetings? Just want to kick
back and mingle with liberty-minded individuals? We have a monthly "None
of our Business" happy hour social, to take a break from party business
and talk life, politics or whatever is on your mind. Come out for a
drink and get to know us!RSVP on the LPSF Meetup Group - _meetup.com/the-LPSF_