Hi all,
Here is the agenda I've set for next Saturday's meeting. Please let me
know if you want changes ASAP. We have lots of planning to do for next
year and moving forward. Specifically, I want to start talking about our
(LPSF) convention in January, next year's panel discussion (topics,
speakers, location, etc) and get back to grassroots activism with We Do
Better[1], the UCC bill which we have endorsed.
RSVP: https://www.meetup.com/the-LPSF/events/zwkndqyxpbnb/
See you next weekend,
Monthly Meeting - 10 November 2018
San Francisco Public Library
100 Larkin St., Sycip Conf. Room (4th floor)
1. Introductions (3:00 - 3:10)
2. Reports (3:10 - 3:40)
1. Chair’s Report
2. Vice Chair’s Report
3. Treasurer’s Report
4. Secretary’s Report
5. Newsletter Report
3. Post election discussion (3:40 - 3:50)
4. Unfinished Business
1. LPSF Convention Planning (3:50 - 4:10)
2. Select a Platform Committee Representative (4:10 - 4:15)
5. New Business
1. Panel discussion planning (4:15 - 4:35)
2. We Do Better in San Francisco planning (4:35 - 4:50)
6. Activist Reports (4:50 - 5:00)