Actually this is an open letter to the LPC

Funny, it took seven years in Austin and a Badnarik birthday party
for me to (however temporarily) resent everyone in the Texas
Libertarian Party. You Californians, being much much sharper,
managed to drive me crazy in seven months. I posted the following
on my website. Bitch and moan if wish but it beats me getting up at
the next Ex Com meeting to shout, "Fuck you. Fuck you all."

08/08/06--World Leader Pretend
Author: Angela

"If I'm told I have the burden of proving to you that I'm not
wasting my time, well, f-ck you. You can quote me on that."

--David Bergland

No,no, I didn't do it. No open letter to the LPC. No insisting that
our national chair ban the entire state party from the LNC due to
hooliganism, sad sackery, neuroses, quirky mysticism and a ruling on
slippers. No smarmy remarks (e.g.,"If M.H. is so rich, why didn't he
buy himself some shoes and a little deodorant.")

If you haven't guessed, I am sick and tired of the Libertarian Party
of California. On its best day it is a force for comedy and on its
worse it is simply an impediment to a free society.

No, I don't mind that each and every member past and present of the
LPC Ex Com possesses a personality defect or some completely
untoward eccentricity. What I mind is that every faction insists
that its vision of the LPC is the true and only heaven. Meanwhile,
Keaton is merely some anarchist crank with an increasingly tight bum
(thanks Badnarik people for the kick in the ass.) If anything, I am
developing a fondness for this collection of kooks hence, I am
issuing not so much a fatwa but a guide to how and why I will vote
any goddamn way I want for the remainder of my term.

No emails, no plaintive phone calls. I'm done with the plots, the
therapy sessions and the tormented revelations. Like the rest of
you, I am voting however the hell I want and if you don't like it
you can vote me out come 2008 when we have our convention in an
efficiency off of Wilshire or a cargo ship off of Novaya Zemlya.

1.) Operation Breakthrough--It is distasteful however well meaning
to create a professional class of libertarian bureaucrats through
elections to non-partisan administrative boards. While I maintain
the deepest respect and affection for our chair, Operation
Breakthrough is antithetical to the goals of a libertarian society
and merely adopts the strategy of our oppressors.

2.)The excluded LPC middle, reformists and moderates--I have often
heard the cry of "we want people who want to be part of something
larger than themselves." "We want to do whatever works." "We want
freedom now!" "Wouldn't you rather have some freedom than none?"

First, this is the language of the collectivist, the "democrat," and
ultimately the mob. The fight for freedom is often a solitary
struggle. While we come together to promote libertarian values, the
desire for liberty must emanate from within each rational man. The
language we use must reflect our ultimate goals.

Second, the shift toward "holistic values" is a dangerous
development as it slouches ever so slowly with its promises
of "moderation" and "incrementalism" to a libertarianism without
liberty as its primary value. Without liberty the other values are
meaningless and more importantly as radical individualists each man
must decide for himself what is his hierarchy of values.

Finally, as we slide toward a moderate platform with an increasing
reluctance to stand by our radical principles, we demonstrate no
understanding of the Hegelian dialectic, human psychology or recent
political history. Those yet unknown fellow travelers among us
crave, "a choice, not an echo."

We dissuade freedom fighters from the bold move of casting a vote
for liberty if we demand that they accept a bland rehash of failed
GOP policy.

As for the big tent, well, "We can't accept all the shit that walks
in off the streets."

3.) "Pro War Libertarian" is not an acceptable deviation for those
in leadership posts. This is not 1971. We are no longer a club for
Randians angered with Nixon's price controls. The Libertarian Party
has developed a clear and consistent message and those in leadership
posts should reflect it. While we should offer our hand in
brotherhood to those thoughtful conservatives, we should work to
persuade them that the non-aggression principle is the lynch pin of
a civilized people.

4.) In an effort to stay true to my anarchist moral core, I have
disaffiliated with the Grassroots Caucus. While I unquestionably
support the caucus' principles, I must give a "no confidence" vote
to its leadership which remains mired in trivial and petty stylistic
conflicts with the Ex Com while police brutality, government theft
of private property and the occupation of foreign soil remain the
order of the day. None of which will change if we merely concern
ourselves with the "corporate image" of our current Ex Com
leadership. While we argue over what to wear, the revolution takes
place outside without us.

In Liberty,
Angela Keaton, West Hollywood, CA
At Large Member LPC

Dear All,

For what it is worth, I will continue my efforts to keep the LPSF e-
mail lists free of disrespectful language. Perhaps it is not just
the language that is offensive in the e-mail below, but the


Marcy Berry

--- In, "theliberatedspace"
<theliberatedspace@...> wrote:

Funny, it took seven years in Austin and a Badnarik birthday party
for me to (however temporarily) resent everyone in the Texas
Libertarian Party. You Californians, being much much sharper,
managed to drive me crazy in seven months. I posted the following
on my website. Bitch and moan if wish but it beats me getting up


the next Ex Com meeting to shout, "Fuck you. Fuck you all."

08/08/06--World Leader Pretend
Author: Angela
Date: 08-09-06 02:37

"If I'm told I have the burden of proving to you that I'm not
wasting my time, well, f-ck you. You can quote me on that."

--David Bergland

No,no, I didn't do it. No open letter to the LPC. No insisting that
our national chair ban the entire state party from the LNC due to
hooliganism, sad sackery, neuroses, quirky mysticism and a ruling


slippers. No smarmy remarks (e.g.,"If M.H. is so rich, why didn't


buy himself some shoes and a little deodorant.")

If you haven't guessed, I am sick and tired of the Libertarian


of California. On its best day it is a force for comedy and on its
worse it is simply an impediment to a free society.

No, I don't mind that each and every member past and present of the
LPC Ex Com possesses a personality defect or some completely
untoward eccentricity. What I mind is that every faction insists
that its vision of the LPC is the true and only heaven. Meanwhile,
Keaton is merely some anarchist crank with an increasingly tight


(thanks Badnarik people for the kick in the ass.) If anything, I am
developing a fondness for this collection of kooks hence, I am
issuing not so much a fatwa but a guide to how and why I will vote
any goddamn way I want for the remainder of my term.

No emails, no plaintive phone calls. I'm done with the plots, the
therapy sessions and the tormented revelations. Like the rest of
you, I am voting however the hell I want and if you don't like it
you can vote me out come 2008 when we have our convention in an
efficiency off of Wilshire or a cargo ship off of Novaya Zemlya.

1.) Operation Breakthrough--It is distasteful however well meaning
to create a professional class of libertarian bureaucrats through
elections to non-partisan administrative boards. While I maintain
the deepest respect and affection for our chair, Operation
Breakthrough is antithetical to the goals of a libertarian society
and merely adopts the strategy of our oppressors.

2.)The excluded LPC middle, reformists and moderates--I have often
heard the cry of "we want people who want to be part of something
larger than themselves." "We want to do whatever works." "We want
freedom now!" "Wouldn't you rather have some freedom than none?"

First, this is the language of the collectivist, the "democrat,"


ultimately the mob. The fight for freedom is often a solitary
struggle. While we come together to promote libertarian values, the
desire for liberty must emanate from within each rational man. The
language we use must reflect our ultimate goals.

Second, the shift toward "holistic values" is a dangerous
development as it slouches ever so slowly with its promises
of "moderation" and "incrementalism" to a libertarianism without
liberty as its primary value. Without liberty the other values are
meaningless and more importantly as radical individualists each man
must decide for himself what is his hierarchy of values.

Finally, as we slide toward a moderate platform with an increasing
reluctance to stand by our radical principles, we demonstrate no
understanding of the Hegelian dialectic, human psychology or recent
political history. Those yet unknown fellow travelers among us
crave, "a choice, not an echo."

We dissuade freedom fighters from the bold move of casting a vote
for liberty if we demand that they accept a bland rehash of failed
GOP policy.

As for the big tent, well, "We can't accept all the shit that walks
in off the streets."

3.) "Pro War Libertarian" is not an acceptable deviation for those
in leadership posts. This is not 1971. We are no longer a club for
Randians angered with Nixon's price controls. The Libertarian Party
has developed a clear and consistent message and those in


posts should reflect it. While we should offer our hand in
brotherhood to those thoughtful conservatives, we should work to
persuade them that the non-aggression principle is the lynch pin of
a civilized people.

4.) In an effort to stay true to my anarchist moral core, I have
disaffiliated with the Grassroots Caucus. While I unquestionably
support the caucus' principles, I must give a "no confidence" vote
to its leadership which remains mired in trivial and petty


Of course, you are proving my point. Very few members of the LPC are capable of discussing anything of substance. You people are entirely concerned with images whether they be corporate, respectable or "artsy," and yes, you are all chronic complainers.
"Amarcy D. Berry" <amarcyb@...> wrote:
          Dear All,

For what it is worth, I will continue my efforts to keep the LPSF e-
mail lists free of disrespectful language. Perhaps it is not just
the language that is offensive in the e-mail below, but the


Marcy Berry

--- In, "theliberatedspace"
<theliberatedspace@...> wrote:

Funny, it took seven years in Austin and a Badnarik birthday party
for me to (however temporarily) resent everyone in the Texas
Libertarian Party. You Californians, being much much sharper,
managed to drive me crazy in seven months. I posted the following
on my website. Bitch and moan if wish but it beats me getting up


the next Ex Com meeting to shout, "Fuck you. Fuck you all."

08/08/06--World Leader Pretend
Author: Angela
Date: 08-09-06 02:37

"If I'm told I have the burden of proving to you that I'm not
wasting my time, well, f-ck you. You can quote me on that."

--David Bergland

No,no, I didn't do it. No open letter to the LPC. No insisting that
our national chair ban the entire state party from the LNC due to
hooliganism, sad sackery, neuroses, quirky mysticism and a ruling


slippers. No smarmy remarks (e.g.,"If M.H. is so rich, why didn't


buy himself some shoes and a little deodorant.")

If you haven't guessed, I am sick and tired of the Libertarian


of California. On its best day it is a force for comedy and on its
worse it is simply an impediment to a free society.

No, I don't mind that each and every member past and present of the
LPC Ex Com possesses a personality defect or some completely
untoward eccentricity. What I mind is that every faction insists
that its vision of the LPC is the true and only heaven. Meanwhile,
Keaton is merely some anarchist crank with an increasingly tight


(thanks Badnarik people for the kick in the ass.) If anything, I am
developing a fondness for this collection of kooks hence, I am
issuing not so much a fatwa but a guide to how and why I will vote
any goddamn way I want for the remainder of my term.

No emails, no plaintive phone calls. I'm done with the plots, the
therapy sessions and the tormented revelations. Like the rest of
you, I am voting however the hell I want and if you don't like it
you can vote me out come 2008 when we have our convention in an
efficiency off of Wilshire or a cargo ship off of Novaya Zemlya.

1.) Operation Breakthrough--It is distasteful however well meaning
to create a professional class of libertarian bureaucrats through
elections to non-partisan administrative boards. While I maintain
the deepest respect and affection for our chair, Operation
Breakthrough is antithetical to the goals of a libertarian society
and merely adopts the strategy of our oppressors.

2.)The excluded LPC middle, reformists and moderates--I have often
heard the cry of "we want people who want to be part of something
larger than themselves." "We want to do whatever works." "We want
freedom now!" "Wouldn't you rather have some freedom than none?"

First, this is the language of the collectivist, the "democrat,"


ultimately the mob. The fight for freedom is often a solitary
struggle. While we come together to promote libertarian values, the
desire for liberty must emanate from within each rational man. The
language we use must reflect our ultimate goals.

Second, the shift toward "holistic values" is a dangerous
development as it slouches ever so slowly with its promises
of "moderation" and "incrementalism" to a libertarianism without
liberty as its primary value. Without liberty the other values are
meaningless and more importantly as radical individualists each man
must decide for himself what is his hierarchy of values.

Finally, as we slide toward a moderate platform with an increasing
reluctance to stand by our radical principles, we demonstrate no
understanding of the Hegelian dialectic, human psychology or recent
political history. Those yet unknown fellow travelers among us
crave, "a choice, not an echo."

We dissuade freedom fighters from the bold move of casting a vote
for liberty if we demand that they accept a bland rehash of failed
GOP policy.

As for the big tent, well, "We can't accept all the shit that walks
in off the streets."

3.) "Pro War Libertarian" is not an acceptable deviation for those
in leadership posts. This is not 1971. We are no longer a club for
Randians angered with Nixon's price controls. The Libertarian Party
has developed a clear and consistent message and those in


posts should reflect it. While we should offer our hand in
brotherhood to those thoughtful conservatives, we should work to
persuade them that the non-aggression principle is the lynch pin of
a civilized people.

4.) In an effort to stay true to my anarchist moral core, I have
disaffiliated with the Grassroots Caucus. While I unquestionably
support the caucus' principles, I must give a "no confidence" vote
to its leadership which remains mired in trivial and petty


Angela Keaton wrote:

Of course, you are proving my point. Very few members of the LPC are
capable of discussing anything of substance. You people are entirely
concerned with images whether they be corporate, respectable or "artsy,"
and yes, you are all chronic complainers.


That comment was entirely uncalled for. I only know you by reputation,
and respect what you've done with the FSP and LNC, but unless you've
actually attended an LPSF meeting and seen Marcy in action, these comments
are entirely unfounded and rude.

The LPSF largely ignores the state party and concentrates on effectiveness
on local issues. Whether or not we're succeeding is debatable, but we are
not largely complainers nor image-obsessed.

We have been generally successful in keeping our local mailing lists
places where discussion on *issues* can happen by avoiding personal
attacks and keeping disagreements respectful. If you wish to participate
in our local lists, please keep those guidelines in mind.

Thank you,
LPSF Secretary

Speaking for myself, I would rather see more disrespect and negativism if it means more honest words and authentic emotion. May I suggest that the result of being touchy like this will be to ruin this list as a forum for serious debate? Unfortunately, I know because I did the same with my own list and just about killed interesting activity for six months as a consequence.

Marcy, if you don’t like what Angela is saying- refute it or ignore it. Don’t issue veiled threats to kick her off the list. Angela is speaking with passion and bluntness what lots of people have been feeling and not saying in public. If it makes you uncomfortable, that’s at least a likely sign she’s on to something. I don’t necessarily agree with every word she says (as a member of the Grassroots Caucus, I do think lifestyle issues are important, particularly when they becomes a basis for intraparty persecution), but what she says is important.

I was going to say ‘past over’ on this, but I haven’t forgotten when I was going to write a column for the LPSF newsletter, and you snubbed me by yanking it under the (false) assumption I would write about nothing but the sex industry- because it would hurt the party’s ‘image’ for us to be associated with sex and/or drugs. Never mind that sex and drugs are big issue in this town, never mind that sex and drug rights involve the lives and freedoms of millions of Americans- you’d rather silence anything you think it might look bad to 'respectable, intoletant Americans.

As the result of this and similar experiences I just found better things to do than work with Libertarians. If that’s what you really want, please do say. I’ll go work with SWOP or the ESPU where we’re not scared of strong language. Unlike the Libertarian Party, they have never given me trouble for being a libertarian.

Now you want to cut Angela’s criticisms because you don’t like her manners. Does it occur to you that what we really can’t afford is driving people who already care out the Party?

love and strife,

Lady Aster


*Freude, sch�ner G�tterfunken*
*Tochter aus Elysium,*
*Wir betreten feuertrunken,*
*Himmlische, dein Heiligtum!*
*Deine Zauber binden wieder*
*Was die Mode streng geteilt.*
*Alle Menschen werden Br�der*
*Wo dein sanfter Fl�gel weilt.*

email ms_shiris@…

Thank you, Chris. I know you have worked as hard as I keeping these
lists free vitriol.


--- In, "Christopher R. Maden"
<crism@...> wrote:

Angela Keaton wrote:
> Of course, you are proving my point. Very few members of the LPC


> capable of discussing anything of substance. You people are


> concerned with images whether they be corporate, respectable

or "artsy,"

> and yes, you are all chronic complainers.


That comment was entirely uncalled for. I only know you by


and respect what you've done with the FSP and LNC, but unless you've
actually attended an LPSF meeting and seen Marcy in action, these


are entirely unfounded and rude.

The LPSF largely ignores the state party and concentrates on


on local issues. Whether or not we're succeeding is debatable, but

we are

not largely complainers nor image-obsessed.

We have been generally successful in keeping our local mailing lists
places where discussion on *issues* can happen by avoiding personal
attacks and keeping disagreements respectful. If you wish to


Dear Marcy and Chris and Everyone Else;

Didn't this topic of "vitriol" come up before where it was discussed as the latest replacement for ethanol or some such thing so we could slow down global hearth warming?

BTW: I believe the vast great unwashed mass movement majority who posts on this site are reasonably erudite enough to be able to express vehement thoughts and ideas without resorting to "dirty words" which I'm certain everyone knows and the use of which will get you an FCC fine of eleventy eleven billion dollars.

If you so intensely feel the topic has generated such a "white heat" internally inside you where you can't contain yourself then write the e-mail to yourself and send it to yourself where it won't see the light of day - figuratively speaking.

Just don't use the LPSF discuss site as a dump site for your angst - anxiety - anger - arrogance etc etc etc.

This is a broad based site of many topics and discussions some of which have gotten intense but have never needed to resort to diving into the toilet.

A little couth goes a long way.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian