ACTION ITEM: State government survey on housing

The California state government has released a new biased survey with the apparent purpose of trying to gin up more support for government spending on housing and housing-related issues. Please add your voices discouraging this:

  I've copied my responses below, in case anyone wants to borrow from them.

Love & Liberty,

((( starchild )))

* 1. Which of the following best describes you or your role in the community?

• Other (please specify): human being

2. Please identify your ZIP Code


3. Please select the top five barriers to finding and maintaining affordable and safe housing in your community

• Community resistance to new housing

• Other (please specify): Too much government regulation, building codes, planning controls, zoning laws – interesting that this survey lists NONE of the government causes of the housing shortage!

4. Please select the top five barriers to economic development in your community

• Other (please specify): Taxes, licensing laws, over-criminalization, zoning laws, other government regulations

5. Of the following groups, please select the top five needing assistance in your community
• Other (please specify): We don't need more government "assistance" – just leave people alone and stop stealing our resources!

18. What is the most important thing the state government could do to help you, your family, or the individuals you serve, to live in a safe and affordable home near good schools and jobs?

Reduce government spending – Please also note that Questions 6-17 were not answered because they did not provide accurate response options.

19. What is the most important thing the state government could do to help you, your family, and your community to reduce the chance of and protect against natural disasters and climate change?

Cut taxes and fees so that when disasters happen, people have the resources to respond.

20. Is lead based paint a problem in your community?


21. If yes, please describe the extent of the problem and which populations are most affected.
Government is the biggest problem in the community – all of us are affected by its authoritarian paternalism, theft of our resources, and efforts to control people's lives.

22. I identify as:

Other (please specify): human

23. My age is:

• Decline to answer

24. I identify as (check all that apply):

Other (please specify): human

25. How many people live in your household? (The U.S. Census Bureau defines a "household" as all the persons who live in a housing unit as their usual place of residence.)

(not answered because the response window only accepted whole numbers, and it's of course none of their business)

26. How many families live in your household? (The U.S. Census Bureau defines a "family" as a group of two people or more related by birth, marriage, or adoption, and living together.)

(not answered because the response window only accepted whole numbers, and it's of course none of their business)

27. My household’s annual income is:

Decline to answer