I was going to try to go to the #EndTheLockdownNow protest happening that day in Sacramento, but am now thinking if there's something happening here it makes more sense to stay in SF and participate:
The plan is apparently for people who want to drive, to circle the block around City Hall (the block bounded by Van Ness, Grove, Polk, and McAllister), and those who want to get out and protest on foot to march back and forth on Van Ness (between Grove and McAllister).
Who else is interested in participating? I have some extra Guy Fawkes (aka "V for Vendetta") masks; was thinking to wear one with a bandana over it, and/or just continue to go mask-free.
The website announcing the action (http://wehaverights.com/) has a moderate and reasonable message that seems like it should be acceptable to most libertarians – support for freedom of speech, freedom of religion, right to earn a living, and right to assemble, along with encouragement for elderly, sick and at-risk persons to quarantine while healthy people go about their lives (and help keep the economy functioning for the benefit of all).
For those who may be in other parts of the state, or know folks there who may be interested, they also list protests happening in Los Angeles, Huntington Beach, San Diego, and Ventura, along with the previously announced protest in Sacramento. All happening at noon in those respective cities.
The Libertarian Party of California has passed a resolution (unanimously, among the 13 state Executive Committee members voting – there were 2 abstentions). Perhaps someone would like to print out and read it (or I could read it) at the event? I would print, but my printer is not working.
The Libertarian Party of California resolves as follows:
Since the actions of government impact the lives of individuals in vastly different ways, government must consider the potential consequences relative to the various challenges its diverse constituents face.
By restricting access to commerce, the governments in California have directly restricted access to earnings and employment. For many individuals and families who have no savings this is no less devastating than bearing the risks of falling ill.
High unemployment rates historically impact the rates of suicide, depression, substance abuse and domestic violence. In addition, unemployment means hunger and reduced access to healthcare for at-risk populations.
The “social distancing” rules imposed by government have been inconsistent with the purported goals and have resulted in the criminalization of non-threatening, ordinary human activity.
Each individual is best equipped to deem what is and is not essential for the well-being of themselves and their families. We believe that ordinary people will rise to the occasion during a state of crisis such as a pandemic and act in a responsible way, with voluntary cooperation, to take all proper precautions to not harm others , and will ensure they take care not to spread any virus to others.
We, the Libertarian Party of California, support the voluntary actions of individuals as they see fit to ensure their own health and the health of their families, which could include using voluntary self-quarantine measures, personal protective equipment, and nutritional supplementation, so long as they don't harm the person or property of others.
Governor Gavin Newsom and his administration are wrongfully dictating what people can and cannot do with their own bodies and property, and impeding travel and trade upon which people's livelihoods, and in some cases, their lives, depend.
The government's orders have caused tremendous damage to the people of our state by subjecting them to poverty and restricting their movement. The harm disproportionately impacts low income people, undocumented people, LGBT people, and other at-risk populations.
Therefore, be it resolved, the Libertarian Party of California opposes the local and statewide shelter-in-place orders, all similar laws, penalties, mandatory bureaucratic and legislative "recommendations,” and we call for their swift removal.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
(415) 625-FREE