Libertarian Party of California Executive Committee member Alan Pyeatt has introduced a resolution on that body in response to repeated statements by Libertarian National Committee member Wayne Allyn Root in the media that go against what our party stands for. During the past couple weeks, at least two state affiliate parties, Florida and Idaho, have passed even stronger resolutions on this issue, calling for Root to be removed from the LNC.
By contrast, Alan's moderate wording rebuking Root and calling for LP members, candidates, officers, official or de facto spokespersons, and staff to "distinguish between their own views and the Libertarian Party’s Platform and Statement of Principles whenever the two are at variance" is a relatively mild reaction to this serious problem. Members of the LPC ExCom who care about keeping our party libertarian should not have any difficulty voting for this resolution as written, if not amending it to make it stronger.
Please take a moment for the future of the Libertarian Party by writing and urging them to vote for Alan Pyeatt's motions as stated below. Here are their email addresses:
danajr@...,, ffiumerodo@..., galemorgan@...,, agrella4congress@..., ktakenaga@...,, tlfloyd3@..., bsdarby@..., bcain@...,, Davebo1000@..., bigrich42@..., newbluegirl2u@...m, pauldarr@..., boomer.shannon@...,
Please note that the last address listed above -- executive-committee@... -- may go to the entire committee. But since I'm not sure whether it's a current address to which non-committee-members can post, I suggest copying the members individually as well. Also, there's at least one new person on the ExCom, the new northern vice-chair, whose identity and email I don't have (the LPC website has not apparently been updated to reflect the current ExCom membership). If anyone does have that person's name and contact info, please pass it along.
Note that email voting on these motions reportedly concludes TOMORROW, Friday Nov. 25 at 7pm, so please don't delay in writing to LPC ExCom members and urging them to vote YES!
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Alan writes: