A note to editors at InfoShop

Dear Infoshop, The Libertarian Party of San Francisco had a meeting which included frank discussions about the racism, homophobia and the fact that the local neo-cons dominate that little enclave called the San Francisco Tea Party. We decided as a group to skip it. To be brief - we weren't there as a collective. Some individuals may have shown up but I can verify we weren't at any Tea Party event as a group. I can attest because I was at the meeting where that decision was made. It's time for a proper introduction. We understand anarchy. We understand statism. We understand the use of the word "anarchists" to describe people who believe in government entitlement programs. TRUTH: Real anarchism is living without government sponsored safety nets. Please see: Independent Institute policy. Here's what we know about some local anarchists. They are really really ignorant about Libertarians, true anarchist policy and while you guys have decent libraries
- they are filled with statist "get the government to fix it" rhetoric. You misunderstand free markets. You misunderstand it's adversarial relationship to capitalism. You misunderstand civil liberty and personal responsibility. Whether or not this is deliberate or simply ignorant - I wanted to reach out. I know anarchy. It is not wearing banadanas & make-up, doing cool political performance art and fighting with anyone directly and actively engaged with the political processes and problems in front of them. That's hollow bodied poses that do not perform the function of actual anarchy or government restructuring to decentralize power and allow persons to rule themselves. So who the hell are we? We are diverse: women, latinos, blacks, asians, native americans, gays and muslims, christians and athiest. You don't know any Libertarians; you published some fear driven rhetoric that is not based in fact. You're no better than FOX when you abuse the news.
Your report proves you don't know who we are or what you are talking about. We can drop off some books so you can get a better idea though. Best, Sheila Dean
Philip Berg for Congress

  Never mind my question about whether you're on the LPSF-activist
list, as I see you are. What is this note in response to? Did I miss a
message? Can you post what was published, or provide a link?

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

I think it's in response to a PrisonPlanet article about how "anarchists"
will be disrupting the April 15 Tea Parties, and some ancient article with
Donny Ferguson's name on it (they mistakenly said Donny was on the LNC) was
used to link the Tea Parties to the LP. At least that's the closest thing
Google found. I must admit that the original article was very difficult to
read. The voices in the author's paranoid little head must have all been
screaming at once. :wink: That's why I don't read PrisonPlanet.
