Dear UCSF Mike and All Other Ships At Sea;
After reading L. Neil Smith's entire op-ed I have to agree with his premise and why we must vocally fight against LINO Bobbed Barr. We must start raising issues with Bobbed Barr and the media interviewers who grant Bobbed Barr air-time and every columnist who gives an audience to Bobbed Barr and gives him puff ball questions and gets cotton candy responses. It's time to hold Bobbed Barr's toes to the fire on solid Libertarian issues not the watered down mush which passes for platform planks.
Bobbed Barr is like barbed wire for the Libertarian Party. It comes down to the age old questions of: Can a leopard change its spots or is it a wolf in sheeps clothing or more likely a pig in a poke?
Why call him Bobbed Barr? He keeps bobbing on real Libertarian issues.
Let anarcho-capitalism rule - and it beats the heck out of me how that can happen since anarkos means without rules - but what the heck - it sure sounds good!!!
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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