We never got into that. But, back then, before he became chairman, he was pretty adamant about the problem of public education, while working in a public institution. But as you well know, any healer is charged with making the best use of the conditions at hand. It's a tough choice to abandon your patients to pursue better conditions.
So I don't ask that of the healing professions. I think it is the job of business and leadership to work in league with them, to provide the better conditions towards the same ends. For the most part, this powerful alliance has been reversed by taking the money from the patients and driving the conditions according to the social enterprise, instead of the autonomy of the individual. The result is homogenized and ritualistic crap.
Does working with big-gov. make one a big-gov. guy? I think it plays out with the position on winnable contests. And whether a contest is winnable, depends on the strength of the alliances. And the choices of the contests define the ideological positions that the alliances will have.
So I'm not usually concerned with someones "ideology". I'm only concerned with which side of the contest he will take. I think Hinshaw will take the right side of the contest. Putting things in those terms is a powerful tool.
From: Dr. Michael Edelstein <drmedelstein.threeminutetherapy@...>
To: lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Monday, April 1, 2013 5:07 PM
Subject: Re: [lpsf-discuss] 20% of American high school age boys diagnosed with ADHD, 2/3rds of this group given drugs
I'm impressed you're in conversation with Hinshaw, he's well respected among psychologists.
Is he a small govt guy?
Warm regards, Michael
Funny you would bring this up. I was just recently corresponding with Stephen Hinshaw, Chairman Dept. Psych. UC Berkeley about this very thing
The diagnosis is valid except that the educational system has the disorder not the kids. Outside of school, the symptoms disappear.
"The cause of the symptoms of ADHD in the schools, is the system of education".
Forcing the kids through the system without meds is like doing root canals without anesthetic. The system is inherently hostile to human learning modes.
We met in '96 when I was a coordinator/board member of Sonoma County
Chadd, a chapter of the national organization for people with ADHD.