1,000 SF Elders Get Monthly Food Boxes CUT!! NOW WHAT!!!

Hi all,

I have been watching the discussion about the Food Boxes with interest. 36 emails so far.

My question is: How is this issue going to help the Libertarian Party?

I don't see how it helps grow the party, get Libertarian candidates elected, or influence public policy in a libertarian direction. The LP is not a charity: How can we use this issue to register more Libertarians, or get more dues-paying members?

Perhaps this is not the best issue for the LP. We're living in a "target rich" environment. I suspect there are many other issues that would be much more useful for the LP to focus on in order to accomplish our objectives.


Dear Richard;
  As the initiator of the original e-mail I asked in essence what could be done to replace the Elder Food Box program using Libertarian alternatives to tax payer funds. Due to budget cuts in the tax payers funded program 1,000 SF Fiood Box Elders Elders are supposed to be cut from the program.
  What do you propose Libertarian wise as an alternative to the tax payer funded Elder Food Box program which will help the cuttees or anyone else needing food to live on?
  As a Libertarian tax issue here is tax payer funded program which provided an extra meal a month or whatever at the tax payers expense to limited income Elders. What could Libertarians do so such a program never got started in the first place to give a meal a month to an Elder at the tax payers expense?
  Why just a small cut in tax payer funding why not the whole $128 million all at once?
  Why not have the whole food program totally supported by voluntary contributions? What could a Libertarian do to have this happen?
  What government policies are creating such a dire need that Elders - the halt - the lame - the blind have to basically beg for food and the biggest local source is a Food Bank?
  What could a Libertarian do to stop those government policies where people go hungry because of foolish farm and ag support and help the farmers programs at the tax payers expense?
  Etc Etc Etc
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian
Richard Newell <richard@...> wrote:
          Hi all,
  I have been watching the discussion about the Food Boxes with interest. 36 emails so far.
  My question is: How is this issue going to help the Libertarian Party?
  I don't see how it helps grow the party, get Libertarian candidates elected, or influence public policy in a libertarian direction. The LP is not a charity: How can we use this issue to register more Libertarians, or get more dues-paying members?
  Perhaps this is not the best issue for the LP. We're living in a "target rich" environment. I suspect there are many other issues that would be much more useful for the LP to focus on in order to accomplish our objectives.