- Opinion: Boston Tax Party

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  That's great, and I certainly wish the Massachusetts folks the best. But to do something like this, people have to be willing to go out and get signatures, and work on a campaign. And it wouldn't be a solely Libertarian campaign, because Libertarians don't have the kind of numbers and resources to get a million signatures or run a statewide campaign. Just like the campaign to decriminalize prostitution in SF, we'd have to work with non-Libertarians, and share the credit.

  You can probably see where I'm going with this. Our local campaign could use your assistance right now. Have you joined the Meetup group? Can you write and/or fund a paid ballot argument?* (They're due August 18 at noon -- $200 + $2/word, with a 300-word limit.) Write some letters to the editor in support? What can you do to help us get this measure passed?

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

*See for the full details on how to submit a ballot argument.