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That's great, and I certainly wish the Massachusetts folks the best. But to do something like this, people have to be willing to go out and get signatures, and work on a campaign. And it wouldn't be a solely Libertarian campaign, because Libertarians don't have the kind of numbers and resources to get a million signatures or run a statewide campaign. Just like the campaign to decriminalize prostitution in SF, we'd have to work with non-Libertarians, and share the credit.
You can probably see where I'm going with this. Our local campaign could use your assistance right now. Have you joined the Meetup group? http://localpolitics.meetup.com/241/ Can you write and/or fund a paid ballot argument?* (They're due August 18 at noon -- $200 + $2/word, with a 300-word limit.) Write some letters to the editor in support? What can you do to help us get this measure passed?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
*See http://www.sfgov.org/site/uploadedfiles/elections/candidates/Nov2008_BallotArgumentGuide.pdf for the full details on how to submit a ballot argument.