Dear All;
So who won the debate? You know the one between the militaristic right-wing neocon fascist and the left-wing neo-con liberal socialist?
Both can be summed up - more government and more regulations and more war on Iraq and Afghanistan and unfortunately Pakistan as well - especially with the hostile fire fights between US and Pakistani regular army troops - not good. And war on Iran for good measure.
Both sucked up to the $700 billion bail out instead of having the guts to say the government caused the problem in the first place and get the government out of a major market correction both US and worldwide. And get back the bail out money already pledged and/or handed out.
Below is a very unscientific poll on the debate from MSNBC taken about 11:00 ish pm with some 435,000 responses - so far.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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Who won the presidential debate? * 435205 responses
John McCain
Barack Obama
Not sure
Not a scientific survey. Click to learn more. Results may not total 100% due to