Hi Everyone,
I'm back from Buffalo, New York. Time to switch from
buffalo wings and Canadian beer to an Anchor Steam and
a sourdough chowder bowl.
I'm glad to read on these e-mails that people have
been supporting and showing up for the political
chats. I would like to attend the next one, this
Wednesday. My daughter, who is a senior in high school
in Buffalo, is visiting me with her boyfriend, who
just started college. I told them about the political
chats and would like to bring them along. I only hope
that other people will be there, as well, and that
they can hear and participate in an enlightening
Dr. Edelstein has suggested a few topics for the
chats; 'what is government,' 'libertarians focusing on
running a presidential candidate vs. focusing on local
elections,' etc.
If I left an issue out, or if someone wants to suggest
another one, e-mail the list-serve. I've heard a lot
of comments, opinions, etc. about the ordaining of the
gay Episcapalian religious figure. This could be
another topic for discussion. We can also choose two
topics to discuss.
Please e-mail the list-serve if you can, or cannot
attend this wednesday's Politcal Chat at the Sheesh
Mahal restaurant, on polk street between sutter and
post, from 7:00-10:00 PM. Also, please invite friends,
co-workers, aquaintances with other political beliefs.
Everyone has an opinion about something, and it is at
the politcal chats that we can discuss these opinions,
learn from others, and possibly be enlightened from
what we hear.
Dave Barker