
What's up with the website?
It isn't possible there is no one to manage it, unless there are so few libertarians it is irrelevant.

John F. Bechtol

There are only three Libertarians in Marin County that are active and I am
one of them.

I think we decided not to have meetings until we can get a few more to come.

There are no doubt others. For example, Michael Edelstein lives in Marin.
He regularly attends meetings of the San Francisco Libertarian Party.

One of our members actually ran in the last election, Joe. He was on the
ballot and I voted for him so he got at least one vote.

Sam Sloan

Time to get tough. What's up with the website? No wonder there are only three active members in Marin County.
Its leadership has driven it into the ditch.

Is somebody going to tell me there is no-one n the world, who will manage the website, in the 46th richest county in the US out of 3,000 plus counties?

Hell no!! That goes beyond negligence to obstruction.