Webcast/Webvote for LP conventions

Can the folks that do go this year put forward a motion to support webcast and web votes for future conventions so participation and power isn't limited to those with the time&money to attend?

- Steve


  Part of me really likes your proposal, but I have some concerns about it as well. I think there is a real value gained from people getting together in person. A bunch of people voting remotely are more subject to impersonal lobbying in the form of direct mail and such. Given the party's lack of sufficient focus on ideology and internal education, I'm concerned that this would mean even less exposure by people voting on party policy to libertarian ideas (via hearing speakers, talking in person with other Libertarians, etc.). I'm also somewhat concerned that the option of being able to vote on party policy and such without physically showing one's face would be more likely to attract people who really aren't libertarian in their views but are willing to lie and pay the cost of a membership.

  I definitely would like to see more of an effort made by the party to coordinate homestays, rideshares, and so forth for conventions, as well as making them longer to increase the chances of people being able to attend at least part of the time. I think there should also be a highly visible link added to the convention website where people can click to say, "I can't afford to attend, but would do so if the trip cost me less than $___," or "I would be willing to spend the money to attend, but cannot get the time off from work or other important commitments." I'd like to see how many people fall into each of these categories, and for the party to explore what might be done to accommodate them, particularly those lacking the money.

  In the meantime, I would support a motion to have the entire convention webcast on LP.org and to allow non-counting "straw poll" type votes to be cast by LP members not attending the conventions and officially recorded in a separate category from the delegate votes. How does that sound to you as a step toward greater participation by non-attendees?

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))

A bunch of people voting remotely are
more subject to impersonal lobbying in the form of direct mail and

It seems to me that the party was already taken over by right-wingers under it's current system so this isn't a choice between a working system an an unproven system - this is a choice between a system proven to not work and one that may work.

Given the party's lack of sufficient focus on ideology and
internal education, I'm concerned that this would mean even less
exposure by people voting on party policy to libertarian ideas (via
hearing speakers, talking in person with other Libertarians, etc.).
I'm also somewhat concerned that the option of being able to vote on
party policy and such without physically showing one's face would be
more likely to attract people who really aren't libertarian in their
views but are willing to lie and pay the cost of a membership.

Ok, I think our fundamental difference of opinion is on trust. I trust the members more than the "leadership" and you appear to trust the leadership more than the members.

How many CA state or national LP chairs do you think have made better decisions than the LP as a whole would if decisions went to referendum?

I definitely would like to see more of an effort made by the party
to coordinate homestays, rideshares, and so forth for conventions, as
well as making them longer to increase the chances of people being
able to attend at least part of the time.

I don't see begging for public subsidies as a solution. It all sounds a bit like so-called election reform doesn't it?

In the meantime, I would support a motion to have the entire
convention webcast on LP.org and to allow non-counting "straw poll"
type votes to be cast by LP members not attending the conventions and
officially recorded in a separate category from the delegate votes.
How does that sound to you as a step toward greater participation by

That's sounds like a great! The web cast would allow everyone to see what's going on and the straw polls would provide some data points on whether or not the party members would vote in the way that you find agreeable. I'm happy to contribute some time and resource to making this happen if it is approved.

At the very least, we could record a digital video of the convention and post it to youtube afterward. This costs next to nothing in either time or money.

- Steve