Walter Block Speaking (03/05/09)

The University of San Francisco Chapter of the Federalist Society invites
you ...

Thursday, March 5, 2009
12:30 PM: University of San Francisco: The causes of and cures for the
present economic crisis.
3 PM: Golden Gate University: The causes of and cures for the present
economic crisis (The GG President may change the topic.)
The talks are free to the public.

            The Harold E. Wirth Eminent Scholar Endowed Chair in Economics
at Loyola University, New Orleans 70118 (wblock@...), Dr. Walter Block
is Adjunct Scholar at the Mises Institute and the Hoover Institute. He has
previously taught at the University of Central Arkansas, Holy Cross College,
Baruch (C.U.N.Y.) and Rutgers Universities. He earned a B.A. in philosophy
from Brooklyn College (C.U.N.Y.) in 1964 and a Ph.D. degree in economics
from Columbia University in 1972.
            Walter Block is the author of Defending the Undefendable
(1976) - which has been translated into ten foreign languages. He has
authored or co authored Amending the Combines Investigation Act (1982);
Focus on Economics and the Canadian Bishops (1983); Focus on Employment
Equity: A Critique of the Abella Royal Commission on Equality (1985); The
U.S. Bishops and their Critics: An Economic and Ethical Perspective (1986);
Lexicon of Economic Thought (1988); Economic Freedom of the World (1996);
The Privatization of Roads and Highways (2006); and Labor Economics from a
Free Market Perspective: Employing the Unemployable (2008). His forthcoming
books include Legalize Blackmail; Philosophy of Law; Austrian Economics;
Private Property Rights; Free Market Environmentalism; Judaism, Economics
and Politics; Building Blocks of Liberty and The Economics of
Discrimination. He has edited (or co-edited) the following books: Zoning:
Its Costs and Relevance (1980); Rent Control: Myths & Realities (1981);
Discrimination, Affirmative Action and Equal Opportunity (1982); Taxation:
An International Perspective (1984); Theology, Third World Development and
Economic Justice (1985); Morality of the Market: Religious and Economic
Perspectives (1985); Reaction: The New Combines Investigation Act (1986);
Religion, Economics & Social Thought (1986); Man, Economy and Liberty:
Essays in Honor of Murray N. Rothbard (1988); Economics and the Environment:
A Reconciliation (1990); Breaking the Shackles; the Economics of
Deregulation: A Comparison of U.S. and Canadian Experience (1991); Economic
Freedom: Toward a Theory of Measurement (1991); Reconciling Economics and
the Environment (1992); Economia e Meio Ambiente: A Reconciliacao (1992).
These are his forthcoming edited books: The Problem With Social Costs:
Coase, Pigou and the Austrian School; Libertarian Autobiographies.

            An eminent Austro-libertarian economist, Block has contributed
300 articles and reviews to scholarly refereed journals such as the Journal
of Libertarian Studies; the Quarterly Journal of Austrian Economics; the
Review of Austrian Economics; the American Journal of Economics and
Sociology; the Journal of Labor Economics; and Public Choice and has written
over one thousand op ed articles, newspaper columns, chapters in books, etc.
He also gives numerous speeches to civic and educational institutions and
appears regularly on television and radio. Block has encouraged the
publication of his students, many in refereed journals, and has co-authored
many articles with them that started out as term papers for his courses.