I received an e-mail from Nancy Pelosi about how to register to vote. Out of curiousity, I followed the links. I was shocked to learn that you can register to vote on line without any ID. The form asks for your Cal. driver’s license or Cal ID number if you don’t have a driver’s license. If you have neither of those you are asked to put in the last 4 digits of your Social Security number. If you don’t have that, they will assign you a number. To verify that you are a citizen you simply have to sign the form saying “Under penalty of perjury I swear that I am a citizen.” I even called the San Mateo office of elections and asked her if this was true. She said, “Yes, you can come in and register to vote even if you have no identification. You just have to sign a form swearing that you are telling the truth.”
So if you have no ID, you have never had a driver’s license, never had a job (need a social security number for that), never paid taxes, never had a credit card or a bank account, never been to college, never had a passport and never had health insurance.
When I got a new library card I had to show a photo ID and bring in a bill from my home to prove where I lived. I think it is terrible that it is so easy to register to vote. Seems like voter fraud is pretty easy.
I am interested in what you think about this.