Congressman Ron Paul
Dear Friend,
It looks like the establishment is really desperate to keep my son Rand out
of the Senate. Dick Cheney, Rudy Giuliani and Rick Santorum were already
backing his opponent. And, as you probably know, Senator Mitch McConnell
joined the party this week and endorsed Rand's establishment-backed opponent
Trey Grayson. Senator McConnell is now doing TV ads for Grayson statewide.
But it gets far, far worse than that. That's why I'm writing you this urgent
email today.
They're trying to "Swift Boat" Rand.
That's right, the shadowy groups that seem to come out whenever the
establishment is threatened are here. They're on the ground in Kentucky.
They're going on the air today with a HUGE six figure buy of THIS attack ad.
The ad is meant to sabotage Rand. And they have the money to do it.
So far, the group has put over $100,000 on the air. But that's a drop in the
bucket for them. The last time the group came into a state, they dropped
over $1 million dollars.
You and I simply must help Rand fight back. This is a do or die moment for
his campaign.
He has been able to match Grayson and his allies up to now, and it's why
he's winning. But now, they've opened a new front, and Rand must be able to
But without your help today, everything we've worked for so far could be
undone by these shadowy, special-interest backed groups.
Please answer the call to action today by donating to Rand's campaign. There
are only 11 days left, and he desperately needs your help.
In Liberty,
Ron Paul
P.S. In case you need more convincing that these groups are the
establishment and are serious: Their "leadership" team? Grayson's POLLSTER
and his MEDIA TEAM. This is nothing less than a clear attempt by Grayson to
skirt the law and trash Rand anonymously. YOU AND I CANNOT LET HIM GET AWAY
WITH THIS OUTRAGE! Please click HERE to donate to Rand's campaign and help
him fight back!