Thanks Terry,Maybe the Humanists Hall :-)I don't mind saying that the Tea Party will become more effective when it learns the police-state has put it on the same page as the commies. LOLBitcoin? We're having a conversation about that and Seasteading. And we're meeting the boathackers/ephemerisle tonight in Oakland.
------------------------------ On Tue, Feb 5, 2013 1:56 PM PST tlfloyd3@... wrote: >I am on this list, so I can see the message and the need to find a new meeting location. A meeting place for 150 people is a pretty tall order, but the Oakland chapter of the ACLU meets in a conference room at the Rockridge Branch of the Oakland Public Library. Several local community organizations meet at a conference room at the San Leandro Public Library. I can check on those places if they are acceptable. > > >I'm currently organizing a Bitcoin meetup group that will probably end up hanging out at Noisebridge in San Francsico, but that place wouldn't be large enough for this group. > > >I'll see what I can do to help! > > >Terry Floyd >(510) 207-4423 > >----- Original Message ----- >From: "John Bechtol" <javlin@...> >To:, "Heather Gass" <Heather.Gass@...> >Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 8:13:34 AM >Subject:
[lpsf-discuss] Fw: The Sycamore Club House cancelled will not renew our ongoing rental agreement because a board member doesn't want the tea party use the facility - We need a new place > > > >Hello folks, > >Does anybody have Terry Floyd's # to get him in touch with Heather? > >John > > > > > > > >----- Forwarded Message ----- >From: Heather Gass <heather.gass@...> >To: >Sent: Tuesday, February 5, 2013 7:22 AM >Subject: The Sycamore Club House cancelled will not renew our ongoing rental agreement because a board member doesn't want the tea party use the facility - We need a new place > > > > > >New EBTP Meeting Place Needed (Our rental contract was cancelled by the Sycamore Club House board due to a complaint by a board member). Please help us find a new meeting place. We have out grown that facility anyway. > >The Sycamore Clubhouse board decided that... " renting the clubhouse to our group was not in the spirit of what the clubhouse
was intended ". >So, we need to find a new meeting place. Please contact Heather or Pam if you have access to a room or building that could hold up to 150 people for our EBTP meetings. Our next meeting is Monday, March 4th 7-9PM > >Cost is a factor so please keep that in mind. Maybe someone knows of an unused office space that we can use once every other month and bring our own chairs. Keep your eyes and ears open and let us know. > >Thanks! > > > >Heather Gass >DRE # 01478987 >Better Homes and Gardens | Mason-McDuffie >Tel: 510-220-0603 >email: heather.gass@... >Website: > >email heather picturesfr x050 > >Confidentiality Notice: >This private email message, including any attachment(s) is limited to the sole use of the intended recipient and may contain Privileged and/or Confidential Information. Any and All Political, Private or Public Entities, Federal, State, or Local Corporate Government(s),
Municipality(ies), International Organizations, Corporation(s), agent(s), investigator(s), or informant(s), et. al., and/or Third Party(ies) working in collusion by collecting and/or monitoring My email(s),and any other means of spying and collecting these Communications Without my Exclusive Permission are Barred from Any and All Unauthorized Review, Use, Disclosure or Distribution. With Explicit Reservation of All My Rights, Without Prejudice and Without Recourse to Me. Any omission does not constitute a waiver of any and/or ALL Intellectual Property Rights or Reserved Rights U.C.C.1-308. NOTICE TO AGENTS IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPALS. NOTICE TO PRINCIPALS IS NOTICE TO AGENTS. > > > > > > >
Sure wish I could join you! Unfortunately, I'm booked for a Pacific IT Pros meeting in San Francisco.
I believe the Oakland boat hacker space is Sean's warehouse, right? I missed an earlier event there, and would definitely like to see it soon.
Will you be going to Ephemerisle this year? July 10-14 off Mandeville Tip in the Delta. I hope to be sailing Solara to the event this year.