Morey, I think you're right, and that the offer of a contribution is
being held out to the "No On H" campaign.
The writer does sound sincere to me, however; I'd be curious to hear
from Mike Denny what he has heard that makes him think we should treat
such an offer with caution.
As to Marcy's comments on Prop. 75, I don't see any problem with
accepting contributions from unions and still supporting a prohibition
on unions making political contributions without the consent of their
members. By the logic of seeing such a stance as hypocritical, I should
not have run for school board because we don't believe government has
any proper role in education, and we should also refuse to use
government services paid for with stolen tax dollars (such as driving
on the roads).
While I can respect the morals of libertarians who do take such
self-sacrificing positions, it is my view that we as a movement do not
have the luxury of taking principle to that nth degree. (Yes Brian, to
this degree I am a pragmatist!) Governments are inflicting great harm
on people, and stopping them is the overriding moral imperative. So
long as we consistently oppose the harm they are doing and seek to end
it where we can (i.e. don't support rent control because we live in
rent-controlled housing, don't support mandatory union fees so we can
get more union money, etc.), there is no shame in finding what
political leverage we can in the flawed society we live in.
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
To me it appears that he is not offering a contribution to the LPSF,
but rather forwarded a message to the "No on H folks", which included
a possible offer to them, not us.-Morey
Dear All,
Marcy your caution is justified. I've spent a considerable amount of
discussing the politics of this issue with numerous participants. It
there are some snaky political games being played in this arena. The
language of this individual shouldn't instill confidence. I'd say
thanks but
no thanks.Mike Denny
On Behalf Of Amarcy D. Berry
Sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 9:53 PM
Subject: [lpsf-activists] Re: the number one human rightMike,
I abstain on this one, but have no strong feelings either way about
seeking the contribution or not. My reason for abstaining is that
510 is a union, we might need to express an opinion on State
Proposition 75, and if we are in favor of Prop 75 the request for
contribution contradicts our position. I realize that Prop 75 deals
only with public employees unions being restricted from using union
dues for political contributions, but to me a union is a union. As
an aside, and I am probably being paranoid here, I would be cautious
in the possibility of accidentally finding ourselves unable to
recommend a yes on 75 (I am not making a statement whether LPSF would
be for or against 75, just giving a possible scenario).Marcy
--- In, "Acree, Michael" <acreem@o...>
wrote:Does the ExCom or anyone else want to weigh in on what I would send?
From: Dr. Michael R. Edelstein
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 10:16 AM
To: Acree, Michael;
Cc: Perry Matlock
Subject: Fw: the number one human rightMike A.,
Perry says the union may send us a contribution. As Treasurer,
perhaps you would follow-up on this. Thanks.Excerpted from Perry's statement, below:
i am the treasurer and a trustee for local 510 sign display
political action committee. please, immediately send to my union
office a request for a contribution.Thank you, Perry. Please join us the second Sat. of any month. See for details.Best, Michael
From: "Perry Matlock" <savetheshellmounds@h...>
To: <dredelstein@t...>
Sent: Saturday, September 10, 2005 5:11 AM
Subject: the number one human rightdear doctor michael edelstein,
my apologies for the tardiness regarding this message. i am
to you the eeeee letter i just sent to the "no on H" folks. i
attend the anti-war rally in golden gate park on saturday, so i
not visit you at pizzaland. thus, these are some of my
i could go on more, yet i must rest. please, be in touch.
perry matlockdear "no on H" folks,
i am a born and raised unpropertied and working person from san
francisco who has always lived in the richmond district. i do not
own any firearms. however, on account of the fascististic
which both daly and bush play a role in, i am almost inclined to
purchase a gun in order to protect myself from the potentialpolice
state which may occur in the near future on account of the likes
both bush and daly.
the most important human right, above all others, is the right to
self defense. i do not care if the government is communist or
capitalist, if that government forbids the citizens from owning
guns; then, that government must be destroyed. why? because gun
control is slavery.
our second admendment declares that the citizen bearing an arm is,
in fact, the national guard. unfortunately, the united states
government has stolen that role from the citizenship and has
institutionalized it so that the people's right to self defensehas
been monopolized by the state.
any weapon the national guard has a right to possess, the citizens
ought to have a right to possess.
in other words, whatever weapons the government may use againstits
own citizens, those citizens must have the right to own, also.
otherwise, we really are slaves to the state.
i do not know what political tendencies you folks gravitatetowards,
yet on the issue of the right to bear arms, i will join you.
i am the treasurer and a trustee for local 510 sign displayunion's
political action committee. please, immediately send to my union
office a request for a contribution. i can not promise anything,
yet the presence of the "no on H" may at least neutralize theenemy.
i say the enemy because the only thing that this fascist daly
to do is disarm the poor. we all know that the rich will always
find a way to bear arms. in any case, they can always hire armed
security. the poor have no way of doing that. chris daly is no
friend of the poor. this nazi, yes the hitler people were the
masters of gun control laws, is in effect, only going to disarmthe
poor, the petty home-owner or business owner, and all working
people. pacific heights will always have the bulk of police
protection. what shall the poor do when the muggers, rapists, and
government fascists attack? throw rocks? daly wants to make
criminals out of people merely for owning a handgun.
let us touch the genuine issue which these cowards and closet
hitlers do not want to really say.
it is poor on poor crime. it is african on african crime. inother
words, the poor and working class people, generally not from
european backgrounds, who struggle to earn a living in a racist
instead of these billionare democrats and their republican andother
wealthy allies going into these african poor and working class
communities and providing real and unconditionally guarantied
scholarships, home ownerships, and reparations for the genocide
which the ruling class and the united states government still
perpetuates, as the case in the aftermath of katrina proves, these
democratic party ghouls, not that the republicans fare any better,
just ban guns. thus, more poor people go to jail, and the
animosity between the poor and the police only increases.
moreover, nothing in the poor communities improves. the poor folk
don't get scholarships. they do not get home ownership. most of
all, the reparations do not happen and the racism continues.
i am no fan of the national rifle association. i am, in fact, an
enemy of both the democratic and republican parties. in the first
place, neither political party has adequately address the issue of
indian treaties, for this is stolen land, and hundreds ofhomelands
of indigenous people are occuppied by the united states. when
these folks have their homelands? when shall they have
if anyone feels that this is a minor argument, i must be askingone
to ask an israeli or palestinian about how important a homeland
could be. there is no room for for debate here. this is "indian"
land. no other nation can rest a claim as to this land being
another's homeland. either you are ohlone, or you are from
somewhere else. in other words, if you are not ohlone, your
homeland is somewhere else. have the courage and decency to give
the ohlone their independence. the united states governmentrefuses
to do that, and that is why i hate the united states government.
as i have been mentioning, it is the duty of these democraticparty
idiots to find a subsitute for their false fix. this gun ban of
daly's will not help poor people buy homes. it will not providethe
unconditional scholarships to the poor communities' children. it
will not provide any hope for the poor communities to share acommon
demographic. evictions will continue. poor people will continue
to be trashed by the ruling classes. the poor will be unarmed.
that is fascism. that is something hitler did.
poor folks need guns to defend themselves from other poor folks,
because the poor peolpe, who steal exclusively from poor people,
know that police action shall be quite insignificant. that is why
few poor criminals shall prey upon the rich. poor people alsoneed
guns to protect themselves from the rich, too.
the non-european folks, "the minorities," know rather well the
necessity to be capable of defending against hate-crimes.
gay people who experience hate from even government levels oughtto
be armed to deter the hate mongers.
i admire the black panther party for their stance against gun
control and their position on community self-defence.
women who know the reality of rape ought to have the right to bear
arms, including the handguns which daly wants to outlaw for the
the presence of just one gun during the massacres in
uganda-rwanda-burundi, might have truely preserved thousands of
all civilizations and governments, including feudalists,
monarchists, capitalists, socialists, communists, fascists,national
socialists, and americanists have one aspect in common, the
of two classes:
those who are allowed to bear and keep arms and those who don't.
why chris daly would want to disarm the poor only leads one to
reason that he is on the side of the future police state, whicheven
scares some police.
long live nat turner!
long live lupugeyun (pomponio)!
long live tatanka yotanka (sitting bull)!
long live nestor makhno!
long live mordechai anielewicz!
this land belongs to the muwekma ohlone nation!perry matlock
perry matlock
PAC trustee & treasurer
local 510 sign display union
250 executive park boulevard suite 4850
tubsinte/amuctac, yelamu
muwekma ohlone nation
san francisco, california
94134-3309please, note that i am not a representative nor a spokesperson for
my trade union, and my title, although real, is for identification
only. however, i may make a request to you folks to submit a
contribution request to my union for the "no on H" struggle.SPONSORED LINKS
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