The Most Powerful Bank You've Never Heard Of

An interesting column on the Bank for International Settlements. Something for both the gold bugs and the conspiracy theorists to enjoy.


Dear Richard and Everyone Else;
  So the BIS controls 712 tons of gold. That's roughly 23 million troy ounces of gold and at current prices of about $540 per troy ounce this means they have a current gold value of : $12.42 billion. A nice tidy nest egg guaranteed to keep you neck deep in swiss cheese for quite some time - like the next several centuries.
  Do you suppose they could do a loaner of say $100,000 until next pay day??
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian

Richard Newell <richard@...> wrote:
  An interesting column on the Bank for International Settlements. Something for both the gold bugs and the conspiracy theorists to enjoy.


Twelve billion bucks worth of
gold, the us government
borrows that muxh in a week or
so, the trade devicit is that much
in a week or so, 12,000 defaults
on million dollar mc mancions
could eat that up, the fact is, it is
chump change, and just goes to
show how bankrupt the system
I just retutned from Maryland, in
the 18 years since I moved
away it has become one giant
sprawl, from belair to mt Airey,
with crowded new highways
leading not from city to city but
sprawl to sprawl. Nobody in
Maryland makes anything, the
entire state is one giant sucking
sound, sucking off the shrinking
tit of a once great nation.
Baltimeore looks like any third
world city, the gleaming
highrises on the once
hardworking waterfromt give way
in a few blocks north to the
sprawling penitentiary and it's
welcoming and diagnostic
center, other iwae known as
central booking. From there it's
miles of once proud row houses
, thousnads of which have
bought by the major drug lords
to bring the market indoors,
many abandoned, many gone
leaving a sawtooth look to a
blick of townhomes, some falling
down as roof metal sheeting has
been removed by thieves for
recycling. By some estimates
200,000 addicts reside in
Baltimore, and over 70 percent
of the population recives some
kind of government assistance.
The biggest employer, it's
plantation house sitting in the
middle of it all is Johns Hopkins,
who receives nearly all it's
revenue from the government.
By comparison california is a
shining light of Freedom. Be
happy you are here.