Thanks to SF Pride Volunteers! Now time for AIDS Walk SF :-)

Amarcy D. Berry wrote:
> So, who do we target with our outreach?

Both. Those who are comfortable with the social conservatives (and who
the social conservatives would be comfortable with) should attend the
socially conservative events, and those who are comfortable with the
fiscal liberals (and who the fiscal liberals would be comfortable with)
should attend the fiscally liberal events. The whole "we're really just
like you" approach works better if we do targeted marketing and
self-select for those events where we are most effective.

One thing I noticed, however... I did speak with quite a few fiscal
conservatives on both days. And without fail they were all pierced
and/or tattooed and/or with spiked electric blue hair or similar
appearance. I think there are quite a few fiscal conservatives out
there who know they don't fit in Republican circles, and by virtue of
themselves being ostracized from conservative groups, I think they "get"
social tolerance pretty well, which is why they were all at Pride
despite also without fail all being straight.

And thanks for the compliments on my Outreach-Booth-On-Wheels. It
worked out pretty well if I do say so myself. I'd like to return a
bunch of stuff we didn't use this year (nor last year, I believe, and
it's just been sitting in my closet) to their original owners if they're
interested, since we clearly didn't need it this year. There's a sort
of woven wicker brown basket that I think the Lawrence Samuels buttons
used to be in. I have a handful of those buttons that I can return with
it. There's also a dry-erase board that I think was the back of the old
WSPQ poster, and accompanying dry erase markers. There's finally a
little folding stool with a round top that showed up last year I
believe. I also have a small stack of ISIL brochures (they fit in a
gallon zipper bag), which I think we may want to put out at LPSF
meetings or possibly other events, but which I don't think work well for
Pride. With Kai hopefully moving back to SF in the next few months, I
really would like to free up some storage space for what he's bringing
from Boston. I don't mind at all storing the amount of stuff I took
to/from Civic Center both days on my little cart, but I'm hoping others
take the rest of the stuff.

So does anyone want to claim any of these items I mentioned?


Amarcy D. Berry wrote: