Technical LPSF website stuff


  The non-government solutions page could use a bit of editing when you
have a chance. When looking at it with an eye to developing the books
list, I made some edits to clean up the formatting a bit by resizing
some of the images and adding some horizontal lines, but a couple of
cells are missing under the Idriss Stelley Foundation entry for some
reason, and I couldn't figure out how to insert the cells in order to
allow the line there to be extended.
  You might also want to reword your intro to the page -- right now it
refers to it being "the end of the tax year", which is of course not a
timely statement to have up year-round. Oh, and how about calling it
"Voluntary Solutions" instead of "non-government solutions"?

  Also I don't recall how to add images to the LPSF website's image
database (I recently added an image to go with my Prop. J piece on the
main page). If you can remind me how to do it, I'll try adding that

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))