Hi Marcy,
I join with Starchild in my appreciation of the wonderful job you're doing in organizing the tax protest.
I agree with Starchild's improvement in the sentence he cites. In addition, I suggest you not identify us with conservatives of any ilk (especially in San Francisco!).
How about calling us "fiscal libertarians," rather than "fiscal conservatives?"
Fiscal conservatives have balancing the budget as their core mission. Some fiscal conservatives even advocate raising taxes to balance the budget. Moreover, balancing the budget is a phony issue since it fails to include off-budget items, and the conservative approach involves snipping at the margins of projected spending increases. Worse still, some conservatives, most notably Arthur Laffer and his supply-siders, see a great benefit in cutting taxes in that it will fill Govt coffers.
Warm regards, Michael
Thanks for putting together an outreach flier for the Tax Day event! I'm a little concerned though about the line that reads:
"All liberty loving fiscal conservatives are welcome to participate in this opportunity to speak out against economy- stifling taxes, and to exercise our right to Peaceful Assembly!"
My thought is that there may be individuals opposed to current tax practices for reasons such as not supporting wars and bailouts, the complexity or unfairness of the tax code, etc., who are not fiscal conservatives, and we shouldn't be excluding them. I would prefer we explicitly list "war tax resisters, bailout opponents, and people opposed to the complexity and unfairness of the tax code". Something about how even poor people and others who do not file income taxes pay indirectly would also be good -- remember we don't want to sound like conservatives.
Maybe "Outreach Station" should simply refer to an "information table", so people know what they're looking for? Also, the words "supporters" and "patriots" (in "Ron Paul Supporters" and "Tea Party Patriots") should not be capitalized. Finally, and this is a minor stylistic point, but I would say "leave us a message at" rather than "call our voicemail number".
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))