I'd like to get LPSF added as a sponsor of this event if possible. Any objections?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
I'd like to get LPSF added as a sponsor of this event if possible. Any objections?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
I am failing to see the connection between a CA state proposition, a Silicon Valley guy, and SF City Hall. But maybe this is just a general demonstration against Prop 35?
BTW, Chris Kelly apparently just got appointed chairman of New Leadership Council, an organization dedicated to developing future progressive leaders. He claims to have a long history protecting children from predators, especially on-line predators.
Were I organizing a challenge to Kelly to debate, I would find out where he works and demonstrate there -- maybe embarrass the heck out of him in the process. I don't see that NLC San Francisco has a physical location, but it would seem they would have to operate from somewhere.
I'm not sure why that location was picked either, unless for convenience of supportive Supervisors. I haven't been involved in planning. Thanks for the info about the "New Leadership Council". Any objections to LPSF being listed as a sponsor?
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
I will defer to Aubrey.