[SFBayCannabisCommunity] An early Christmas present from Pat Robertson of all people


  I don't hear anyone here saying Pat Robertson is the sharpest tool in the shed. His ludicrous and offensive theories of divine punishment are as ridiculous as anything I've heard being uttered by any public figure in the world.

  However I have no mind to go searching various news websites looking for the story you mentioned -- the usual unwritten rule of email discourse is the person making an assertion bears the responsibility for providing evidence to back it up. As the one who presumably read or saw something somewhere about Robertson's people backpedaling, you're in a better position to find it again than I am. Of course no one has any absolute obligation to provide sources, but reports that come sourced are likely to be assigned a higher level of credibility on average than those which do not.

Love & Liberty,
        ((( starchild )))