SF Examiner Publishes My Anti-Minimum Wage LTE With Libert...

In a message dated 8/31/2006 7:20:11 A.M. Pacific Standard Time,
tradergroupe@... writes:

Dear Everyone;

Yesterday the SF Examiner had an excellent Viewpoints article against the
minimum wage. I took the opportunity to say more in an anti-minimum wage LTE
and the SF Examiner agreed and left in the Libertarian affiliation.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian


i am sure that yr official position with lib party helped get it published

this may be a lesson for all of us -- to specifically state the official
position of the writer in the SF Lib party, to help get letters published.

the examiner is much more open to our points of view, and we shd seek to get
something published by them perhaps as often as every week.

Sarosh D. Kumana
_www.sfrent.net_ (http://www.sfrent.net/)
Tel: 415-861-4554
Fax: 415-931-4004
Cell: 415-425-5184

Dear Sarosh;

That isn't always the case as several times i have had them published in the Examiner and the Chronicle and The SF Bay Guardian and the SF Weekly without affiliation. It's really a crap shoot as to whether or not they will include the affiliation.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian