SF Chronicle Publishes My Anti-Chaos Bureacrat LTE After BART Fire Chaos

Dear Everyone;
  When BART had the tube fire people walked out on their own to the next station instead of waiting for directions or rescue. The TV news had talking heads at BART and the fire department basically saying - we know best - the passengers should have waited - we would have told them how to evacuate - we prepare for this with disaster drills - we would have sent a rescue train - blah blah blah - etc etc etc.
  My reaction to that was see these three fingers I'm holding up - read between the lines.
  Then I sent an anti-chaos bureaucrat LTE out with a couple of what happens to people in a chaos bureacracy and the SF Chronicle printed it.
  May anarcho-libertarianism live long and prosper - even without the Libertarian affiliation mentioned.
  Ron Getty
  SF Libertarian
  About half-way down the page under bureacrats in a crisis: