Hey folks,
Thought you might enjoy reading this. Perhaps we should try to find out who this is and get acquainted. Sounds like someone we could get along with.
Dear All;
Along that same line this is from Thomas DiLorenzo from an article on Von Mises which seems to fit the description of what we are suffering under politically:
Ron Getty
Hostis Res Publica
Morte Ai Tiranni
Dum Spiro, Pugno
Thomas J. DiLorenzo:
Some time ago I invented the phrase "fascialism" to describe the
American system of political economy. Fascialism means an economy is
part fascist, part socialist. Economic fascism has nothing to do with
dictatorship, militarism, or bizarre racial theories. Fascism is a
brand of socialism that was the economic system of Germany and Italy in
the early 20th century. It was characterized by private enterprise, but
private enterprise that was comprehensively regulated and regimented by
the state, ostensibly "in the public interest" (as arbitrarily defined
by the state).Socialism started out meaning government ownership of the means of
production, but it came to mean egalitarianism promoted by
"progressive" taxation and the institutions of the welfare state, as
F.A. Hayek stated in the preface to the 1976 edition of The Road to Serfdom.
The problems of the American healthcare system are caused entirely by
the fact that the government subjects the system to massive
interventions, some of which are fascist in nature, while others are
More from Matt Tabbi in Rolling Stone on Wall Street scandals
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