WHAT: GreatSchools.net School Board candidates forum
WHEN: Tonight, 7-9pm
WHERE: Lowell High School, 1101 Eucalyptus Avenue off 19th Avenue @Forest View (near SFSU)
WHY: Come out and support your candidate!
If you haven't done anything for my campaign this year (and many on this list fit that category, I'm sad to say!), perhaps you can make it out tonight. I could use a lift if anyone with a car is going. If you're going by MUNI, as I will be if I don't get a ride, you can take the M streetcar to the last stop before Stonestown Mall and then it's a several block walk down Eucalyptus. Active support makes all the difference in how much good it does for libertarians to run for office. We won't be effective unless we are united AND actively involved.
If you can't make it out tonight, please contact me individually and ask what you can do to help, or just take the initiative and do something on your own. I'm counting on you.
Yours in liberty,
<<< Starchild >>>
Candidate for School Board