[San Fran Libertarian Party at The 4th Annual Ed Rosenthal's Wonders of

Dear Marcy;
In part you said: we libertarians have to get energized to do some effective activism to mitigate such damage.
" What do you mean by we - White Man?", said Tonto to Lone Ranger after Lone Ranger remarked " Well Tonto looks like we're surrounded by indians."
Since we are metamorphically surrounded by indians we need to do the following:
We need to build a party.
Right now 2,000 registered Libertarians don't cut it out of an adult population of some 700,000 more or less legal citizens residents.
We have a small base of 12-15 active (? ) members out of the 2,000. We have a treasury filled with dust bunnies, cobwebs and pennies.
We need to start a building process and this means Libertarian by Libertarian by Libertarian. One by one by one.
We need to concentrate on 1 supervisorial district with the most likelihood of having potential Libertarians residing there. Most liley using the registered voter cd's it should be possible to narrow it down to 1 district.
The we go and literally call on by telephone if they have a listed number or go door knocking on first the registered Libertarians and get them activated by inviting them to join the LPSF.
We need to get them to the Libertarian meetup or some other event to meet the other Libertarians.
Then once they have been acclimatized to the Libertarian then ask them what about your neighbors - who do you know that we could talk to - NOT who do you know that we could register as a Libertarian.
This needs to be done on a replicated basis supervisorial district by superevisorial district.
Soemwhere along the liners we would need an issue which they could support which is of import to San Franciscans and so on and so on
First you leasrn to crawl then you learn to walk then you learn to run.
I would say a 1 1/2 year long building process then we can look at having a candidiate to challenge Pelosi in 2010 with a developed Libertarian base of support or some supervisor or school baord or college board.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni

Dear Ron,

Ok, the "what do you mean by we,white man," made me laugh out loud and
snapped me out of my depression!! Thank you!! I promise not to say
"we" again when I should really be saying "I" will do such and such.

I am not at all good at calling people on the phone or knocking on
doors (as Rob can attest when we went looking for signatures for
Phil.) So, maybe I, and other shy activists, could do some tabling
every Saturday morning, which would help acquaint passers by with at
least the word Libertarian? Perhaps the tabling, calling, mailing
could be coordinated one district at the time?


Dear Marcy;
In part you said: we libertarians have to get energized to do some

effective activism to mitigate such damage.

" What do you mean by we - White Man?", said Tonto to Lone

Ranger after Lone Ranger remarked " Well Tonto looks like we're
surrounded by indians."

Since we are metamorphically surrounded by indians we need to do the


We need to build a party.
Right now 2,000 registered Libertarians don't cut it out of an adult

population of some 700,000 more or less legal citizens residents.

We have a small base of 12-15 active (? ) members out of the 2,000.

We have a treasury filled with dust bunnies, cobwebs and pennies.

We need to start a building process and this means Libertarian by

Libertarian by Libertarian. One by one by one.

We need to concentrate on 1 supervisorial district with the most

likelihood of having potential Libertarians residing there. Most liley
using the registered voter cd's it should be possible to narrow it
down to 1 district.

The we go and literally call on by telephone if they have a listed

number or go door knocking on first the registered Libertarians and
get them activated by inviting them to join the LPSF.

We need to get them to the Libertarian meetup or some other event to

meet the other Libertarians.

Then once they have been acclimatized to the Libertarian then ask

them what about your neighbors - who do you know that we could talk to
- NOT who do you know that we could register as a Libertarian.

This needs to be done on a replicated basis supervisorial district

by superevisorial district.

Soemwhere along the liners we would need an issue which they could

support which is of import to San Franciscans and so on and so on

First you leasrn to crawl then you learn to walk then you learn to run.
I would say a 1 1/2 year long building process then we can look at

having a candidiate to challenge Pelosi in 2010 with a developed
Libertarian base of support or some supervisor or school baord or
college board.

Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
Hostis res Publica
Morte ai Tiranni

From: Amarcy D. Berry <amarcyb@...>
To: lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 9:23:20 PM
Subject: [lpsf-activists] Re: [Fwd: San Fran Libertarian Party at

The 4th Annual Ed Rosenthal's Wonders of

Dear Ron,

True, I am beginning to think that only He could bring about change
such as you describe, and He would need seven millenniums not seven
days. The type of change we might get come November is what we heard
tonight at the Democratic Convention -- sentiments so well received by
thousands in attendance, and no doubt equally well received by
ordinary people watching on TV all across the country...and all those
nice folks on their way to the November ballot boxes.

Well, somehow, we libertarians have to get energized to do some
effective activism to mitigate such damage. Who out there is willing
to start? I'll follow. : - ]


> Dear Marcy;
> There's always hope for a change. :slight_smile:
> Or is it there's change so there's hope?
> Or is it I hope there's a change in the government which will stop
treating it's own citizens like potential terrorists which will
dissolve all tax laws which will call the military back from the 170
bases around the world which will dissolve all the alphabet soup
agencies and lay off all government workers - military included -
replace the military with a voluntary National Defense Militia made up
of men and wmoen from 18 - 80 or whatever age which will cut all
government welafre-warfare programs and repeal all those 40,000
administrative code laws and will give the country back to the people
and genuinely get the government off the back of the people and just
let Americans be Americans and anyone else who wants to come here and
be an American.
> And on the seventh day he rested.
> Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
> Hostis res Publica
> Morte ai Tiranni
> From: Amarcy D. Berry <amarcyb@>
> To: lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com
> Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 6:57:32 PM
> Subject: [lpsf-activists] Re: [Fwd: San Fran Libertarian Party at
The 4th Annual Ed Rosenthal's Wonders of
> Dear Ron,
> Yes, you indeed look and sound like a Libertarian!! So, do some not
> classically dressed/coiffed folks I know, but who speak of
> self-reliance just like you do.
> To me, a Libertarian or potential Libertarian behaves self-reliantly
> and speaks of self-reliance, no matter what his/her economic or
> physical reality.
> I spoke to a lot of people at this festival last year, most did not
> fit this description. And, as an aside, neither would most of the
> delegates at the Democratic convention I am listening to right now,
> given their focus on the government's obligation to provide for a
> litany of stuff.
> But, then again, I could be entirely wrong, and we will get tons of
> members from this year's tabling!
> Marcy
> --- In lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@>


> >
> > Dearest Marcy;
> > Color me curious but what does a potential Libertarian look like or
> sound like?
> >
> > As an example I am tall handsome elegantly coiffed and barbered
> radiantly magnetic articulate charismatic able to expound on
> Libertarian philosophy for hours on end and am a munificent
> magnanimous contributor of major massive funds to worthy Libertarians
> and the Libertarian causes. I dress so well Gentlemens Quarterly asks
> me to review each edition for properly dress wear whether it be full
> formal dress - business dress for the boardroom - business casusal
> - regular casual wear and sports wear while yachting.
> > So in comparison how did these ilky Others look or behave or sound
> like to you which classified them as non-Libertarians?
> >
> > Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
> > Hostis res Publica
> > Morte ai Tiranni
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > From: Amarcy D. Berry <amarcyb@>
> > To: lpsf-activists@yahoogroups.com
> > Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2008 5:56:32 PM
> > Subject: [lpsf-activists] Re: [Fwd: San Fran Libertarian Party at
> The 4th Annual Ed Rosenthal's Wonders of
> >
> > Hi Rob,
> >
> > No objection from me for LPSF to participate, if the booth is

free. If

> > not free, we need to talk about it at the next meeting.
> >
> > I volunteered last year, but am not volunteering this year,

because I

> > did not see anyone in attendance who to me looked or sounded like a
> > potential Libertarian.
> >
> > Marcy
> >
> > >
> > > Any objections to our participating in this? We'd basically

want to

> > put
> > > it on our "fall" postcard and email it to the various lists.


> > > importantly, do we have volunteers to staff this booth?
> > >
> > > Rob
> > >
> > > Subject: *** possible junk mail ***San Fran Libertarian Party
> at The
> > > 4th Annual Ed Rosenthal's Wonders of Cannabis
> > > Date: Mon, 25 Aug 2008 13:30:28 -0400
> > > From: Rob Robinson <damnrobrob@>
> > > To: outreach@, secretary@, chair@,
> > > membership@
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > Greetings,
> > >
> > > My name is Rob Robinson and I am the State director of NY NORML
> > > York State Chapter of the National Organization for the Reform of
> > > Marijuana Laws), Senior Activist at NY State CAN (Cannabis Action
> > > Network) and the founder and producer of Damn Sam Productions.
> > >
> > > I am producing an event in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park, on
> Oct 25
> > > and 26, 2008. The event is Ed Rosenthal's 4th Annual Wonders of
> > > Cannabis. I am interested in having the San Fran Libertarian
Party at
> > > the event. What I was hoping I could get in exchange was some


> > > advertising the event. This could be as simple as having our
flier at
> > > your booths before our event and listing us on your website and
> sending
> > > out information on the event to your e-lists. To as much as

you are

> > > willing or able to help.
> > >
> > > The booth space is valued between $750.00 to $1,500.00. If you
