Ron Paul New Voting Rules

Why should Republicans be forced by the state to allow non-Republicans to vote in the GOP primary?

The Republican Party is a voluntary affiliated organization -- it should not be required through application of state force to allow Libertarians, Greens, Socialists, Democrats or anyone else to participate in its nomination process.

If Libertarians want to support a Republican inside of the GOP, they should go whole-hog and become Republicans. This whole "I'm going to vote in the GOP primary but still stay a Libertarian" thing is a bit sleazy, IMO -- effectively giving adherents two votes "in the system" when most people only get one.

I say, join the party of your preferred candidate, and campaign within that party. If anything, the Libertarian Party should be applauding states like NH who have decided to remove the regulations that force the GOP, Democrats and other parties to allow non-registered non-members to participate in their nomination processes.



I sort of see this Brian,

I have long pushed for ending primaries, as we the
taxpayers of every party have to pay for them. I think
all parties should have to nominate the way the LP
does every 1, 2 or 4 years, at a nominating

However, where I disagree is in your, adherents get
two votes when everyone else gets one.

If I, for example, vote for Ron Paul I cannot vote for
another candidate for president until the general

Everyone else in the USA that is registered to vote by
the primary in their state can vote for a candidate in
the primary and one in the general election.

Please tell me how you come up with someone like me,
who may vote for Ron Paul, getting this "extra"
primary vote.


--- Brian Miller <hightechfella@...> wrote:

Why should Republicans be forced by the state to
allow non-Republicans to vote in the GOP primary?

The Republican Party is a voluntary affiliated
organization -- it should not be required through
application of state force to allow Libertarians,
Greens, Socialists, Democrats or anyone else to
participate in its nomination process.

If Libertarians want to support a Republican inside
of the GOP, they should go whole-hog and become
Republicans. This whole "I'm going to vote in the
GOP primary but still stay a Libertarian" thing is a
bit sleazy, IMO -- effectively giving adherents two
votes "in the system" when most people only get one.

I say, join the party of your preferred candidate,
and campaign within that party. If anything, the
Libertarian Party should be applauding states like
NH who have decided to remove the regulations that
force the GOP, Democrats and other parties to allow
non-registered non-members to participate in their
nomination processes.



From: "dredelstein@..."
To: Dr. Michael R. Edelstein
Sent: Wednesday, October 3, 2007 5:33:21 AM
Subject: [lpsf-discuss] Ron Paul New Voting Rules

www.gambling911. com/Ron-Paul- New-Voting-
Rules-100307. html

Many states, in an effort to shut out Ron Paul
are now closing their primaries. That means that
only Republicans can vote
in the Presidential primaries for a Republican
candidate. Many states are
doing this quickly and quietly and giving people
very little time to learn about
the new rules. For example, New Hampshire decided
only a week ago that you will now have to change
your party affiliation
by October 12, 2007 or it will be too late to do so.
New Hampshire
also has a closed primary and only Republicans and
possibly Independents will be
allowed to vote for Ron Paul.

In New York, you must be registered as a
Republican or you cannot vote for Ron Paul and
again, you must make this
decision by October 12, 2007 or it will be too late.
In New York,
however, Independents cannot vote for Ron Paul.
Same with New
Jersey and many states around the nation. I
hesitate to give you a link to
a site that has correct information about voting in
all 50 states because I have
yet to find one that does not have an error and
besides, this information is
changing daily, as Ron Paul gains momentum. The
people in power are doing
their best to shut out the multitude of voices that
want to vote for Ron
Paul. If you are a Ron Paul supporter, or even
thinking about becoming a
Ron Paul supporter, please become a registered
Republican immediately so
that no matter what your state does to change the
rules out from under you, you
will still be allowed to vote for this great man.

All of these arbitrary deadlines are designed to
keep a candidate such as Ron Paul from gaining
momentum and making a last minute
push. Effectively, Ron Paul has until October 12,
2007 to get as many
Democrats, and others to switch sides in key states
like New York and New
Hampshire, or they will not be able to vote for Ron
Paul in the primaries.
That means that the people in power have shortened
the Ron Paul campaign to less
than two weeks with the stroke of a pen! The Ron
Paul campaign
now has less than two weeks to teach people about
his candidacy and his
policies. As of this moment, in New Hampshire you
may be registered as an
Independent and still vote for Ron Paul. Not so in
New York. In New
York you must be a registered Republican by October
12, to vote for Ron Paul
(Independents cannot vote in the primaries at all).
However, for those of
you in New Hampshire reading this, I wouldn't trust
that come election day the
rules won't have been changed on you again. To be
safe, make sure your
voter registration card says Republican.


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