Dear Libertarians
I received the following e-mail from another friend. I clicked on the link and got their website and a phone number. I called the number and talked to an army recruiter who explained the "Interment/resettlement specialist" job to me. I asked him where the interment camps where located and he didn't know. I asked him how long this had been an army program and he didn't know.
As your libertarian group seems to have access to lots of information, I thought one of you might know about this program. If it is a recent program, I think it is something to look into. If it's an old program from the 1940's, maybe they should pick a different name and/or get rid of it.
Marge and Bob
Marge & Bob,
These ads are *potentially* a bit troubling, but not as troubling as people seem to be assuming. Obviously military prisons presently exist (think Fort Leavenworth, Guantanamo, etc.), and it's not surprising that there is a particular Military Occupational Specialty to go with them. Nothing terribly sinister about that, beyond the basic existence of a standing army and military courts and prisons, which circumstances are hardly news. What *may* be troubling is if the presence of the ads reflects the military's expectations that they are going to be needing increased numbers of people in this MOS. Then again, it may not be particularly troubling -- it could reflect the fact that they're having trouble getting sufficient numbers of people to volunteer for these jobs, which would be a positive indicator.
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))
Thanks for answering. I hope you are correct. Does anyone else have any thoughts about the military campaign to get more "Internment/Resettlement Specialists?"
Marge and Bob