Dear All;
In a previous post on Massachussets having an initiative on its ballot to repeal income taxes suggestions were being made on how to do the same in California or what specific taxes to bring forward for repeal.
One thought is the following:
Allowing parents who home-school or send their children to private schools to be exempted from that portion of their property taxes which goes to the local school district. This would also be extended to include all special parcel taxes going to the school districts as in San Francisco for purportedly teacher pay raises.
This would also be extended to all retired persons to alllow them the choice of not having to pay that portion of their property taxes going to local schools and any special school parcel taxes. In San Francisco seniors already have the option of opting out of the special parcel tax for teachers pay.
How would the teachers union and the school districts fight this?
Would they say: So what if you are paying to send your children to a private school or are home-schooling - you still have to pay your school property tax to send someone else's children to our government schools or someone else's grandchildren to a government school. Now put up pay up and shut up.
Additionally, repealing the initiative which passed several years ago which required pooling of school property taxes so poor school districts could have the same advantages as wealthy school districts. With of course the pooled money passing through Sticky Fingers Dept of Education in Sacramento and getting doled out based on politics not need as is usual.
Ron Getty - SF Libertarian
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