Reminder: Semi-annual Dinner/Mike Denny Fundraiser (10/5)

Dear LPSF Member,

You are cordially invited to join fellow LPSFers for our
joyous semi-annual dinner. We'll partake in an evening
of eating, drinking, and celebrating our passion for liberty.
In addition, this event will serve as a fundraiser for the
Michael Denny for Mayor campaign, And for no extra
charge we have added a press conference to the agenda.
Mike Denny will field all the questions that you, as aspiring
journalists, can muster.

All LPSF members are welcome--including their guests--
along with non-members who wish to join the LPSF at the
dinner. Note the location is just around the corner from
some earlier semi-annual dinners at Maharani.

WHEN: Sunday 5 Oct. @ 6PM.
WHERE: Sheesh Mahal,
1117 Polk (bet. Post & Sutter),
COST: The menu prices are about half those of
Maharani. However, at Sheesh Mahal you serve
yourself. You can pass this savings on as a
contribution to the Denny campaign. (Suggested
donation: $20-$250.) Those who donate will be
served by LPSF volunteer waiters.
RSVP: Please email me if you may be attending.
FOR INFO: Michael Edelstein, 673-2848 (24 hrs) or