Hello San Francisco Libertarians,
For those of you who I just manually added to this list, my apologies for not inviting you with more notice. Rest assured that this list receives only a few messages per month, all of them approved by an LPSF officer.
In comparing our latest membership list from the LP California with our Announcements list, I noticed that several of you were not getting our announcements.
Since tomorrow's meeting is one of the two most important meetings of the year for members to attend (officer elections in January and ballot endorsements in September), I wanted to make sure you all were aware of it. If you can attend, the directions to our meeting can be found here:
Also of possible interest to you is our Constitution Day Party this Thursday evening, September 17, in the same complex as our meeting tomorrow. If you would like to join us for that, you can RSVP at:
I hope to see you at one or both events.