Regarding our Prop 19 discussion and vote Saturday

Dear Ron,

Huuummmm??? Prop 19 IS about taxing pot. You don't like taxes, you don't support Prop 19, all cool with me. And, if what LPSF wants to do is not support the word "taxes", but throw in an incremental support for the eventual liberation of pot via Prop 19, that's fine with me too. I agree that lining up with groups that shout out "tax pot, to increase services!" (just a metaphor, please; nobody actually said that) may not be a wise thing for LPSF.


Dearest Marcy;

Ahem - I did say - vote yes on Prop. 19! I just think it sucks they had to tie
in in with new taxes to make legalizing marijuana okay to vote yes on rather
than simply saying legalize!!!

Ron Getty