Hi Leilani,
The dinners alternate at various vegetarian restaurants in SF. Last month it was Golden Era (vietnamese), this month New Ganges (Indian) next month Bok Choy Garden (Chinese) November probably Zante (Pizza/Indian) pending confirmation of the vegan-ness of their crust.
I would like to see more "Western" vegan restaurants, unfortunately, Western societies, being less historically influenced by the ethos of Buddhism, tend to treat animals as mere commodities rather than as sentient beings in their own right. Happily this is changing, albeit slowly.
In proper libertarian fashion I only reward those establishments that cater to my ethics with a large volume of business, voting with the power of the purse.
as I have lost 40 pounds with the help of God and my personal trainer/friend/licensed nutritionist.
Being health-conscious you should definitely go vegan.
See http://www.veganhealth.org/ for details
Just out of curiosity, what percentage of the total weight loss do you attribute to god and what percentage to your nutritionist?