Thanks for raising these issues. I hope to make it to the Chat this week, but here's a preliminary response.
Consider a famous counterexample: Zamboni has held a world monopoly on ice rink machines for generations. If they were to raise prices substantially, or to decrease the quality of their service, that would be an invitation for John Deere or similar manufacturers to step in, and that would probably be the end of Zamboni. (Look at how long it took Tylenol to recover from a scare that wasn't even their fault.)
Arguments about specialization and division of labor apply on an international scale. Why shouldn't India be doing most of the hi-tech work, if their costs are so much lower? The result is a net gain for American consumers, who otherwise would pay much for more hi-tech products and services.
These points are brief to the point of being glib, but I think they need a response.