RE: [lpsf-discuss] SF Gun Ban

"Rhetoric" wasn't pejorative; my proposal was as rhetorical as yours.
But I don't think your new suggestion will appeal to my liberal friends,

Dear Mike;

As Jim Nabors would've said; " GOL' DANG! " ( 100 extra points for correctly stating what TV characters he played - AHA!!! )

Perjorative? Have we been reading the dictionary lately???

I think your Liberal friends need a Purgative or to spend some time in Purgatory and it is my Perogative to say so by way of Progressing this thread.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

"Acree, Michael" <acreem@...> wrote:
"Rhetoric" wasn't pejorative; my proposal was as rhetorical as yours. But I don't think your new suggestion will appeal to my liberal friends, either.