RE: [lpsf-discuss] gun control

Hi Steve,

I'm one of those on this list that feels it's not government's job to tell people what kind of protection they need. Regarding weapons of mass destruction, I say it depends on how bad your neighborhood is. If you believe there is such a thing as a just fight, especially to overthrow tyranny from government, then it makes no sense to give government the power to limit tools citizens can use to defend themselves when governments are not held to the same standard.

Does that clarify?

Mike Denny

Not entirely. I get the impression that you're saying "yes" - you do think everyone should be allowed to obtain nuclear weapons. Is this correct?

OSX freeware and shareware:


  Given your questions about nuclear weapons in the hands of individuals, I'm wondering who you do believe should be allowed to obtain them. Should governments be allowed to "go nuclear?" If not, how would you advocate stopping them? What about governments that already have them? What if other individuals or organizations are discovered to already have them? Should some current possessors be treated differently because they are governments? If so, doesn't that imply that governments have more rights than individuals? Do you believe that to sometimes or always be true?

Yours in liberty,
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