RE: [lpsf-discuss] 10 Commandments

Dear Brian,

It does appear that you are attempting to evangelize this list with your
views about G_d by enterng into a discussion between people who know
each other and have mutual respect where you were not invited.

Also, Steve's comments specifically addressed a particular form of
judgment and that's what I addressed in my reply. Apparently, my reply
was sufficient as the matter has not been pursued. Your jumping in here
with a broad based attack on my Faith is "off topic".

I suggest that you meet with me personally if you want to have this
discussion. Can I buy you lunch?

Thank you

Michael Denny

Mike Denny wrote:

It does appear that you are attempting to
evangelize this list

I simply responded to your theological postings on this non-private forum,
and I was the first of us two to say I was taking further theological
discussion off-list. But yes, everything I post here is to promote a set of

by enterng into a discussion between people
who know each other and have mutual respect
where you were not invited.

If you want to have a private discussion, you probably shouldn't post it to

Also, Steve's comments specifically addressed
a particular form of judgment and that's what
I addressed in my reply. Apparently, my reply
was sufficient as the matter has not been pursued.

If the person you respond to doesn't have anything further to say, I don't
agree that his silence renders your response off-limits for comments from
the rest of us.

Your jumping in here
with a broad based attack on my
Faith is "off topic".

I don't agree that disagreeing with your theological statements constitutes
an "attack". Religion is indeed pretty far afield for this forum, which is
why you won't find here my rebuttal to your latest theological posting. So
if theological postings are off-topic here, then you've posted one more of
them than I have. :slight_smile:

I suggest that you meet with me personally
if you want to have this discussion.

Thanks, but for disagreements on important and interesting topics like
theology, I prefer the precision and asynchrony of writing.

Brian Holtz
LP candidate for Congress, CA14 (Silicon Valley)