Dancing, Singing, Playing Music Could Become Federal Crimes
Congress is considering two pieces of legislation that could
effectively ban live music and dancing and throw utterly innocent
people into jail.
The two bills are the RAVE Act (H.R. 718) and the CLEAN-UP Act (H.R.
834). Either bill, if enacted, could wipe out innumerable live
performances of pop music of every kind. Both bills would allow the
government to send innocent people to jail for crimes committed by
others. And both could be passed this year.
Here's how the Drug Policy Alliance describes the bills:
"The RAVE Act would make it easier for the federal government to
punish property owners for any drug offense that their customers
commit -- even if they work hard to stop such offenses. If enacted,
nightclub and stadium owners would likely stop holding events -- such
as rock or Hip Hop concerts -- in which even one person might use
"Similarly, the CLEAN-UP Act -- which already has over 60
co-sponsors -- contains provisions that would make it a federal
crime -- punishable by up to nine years in prison -- to promote "any
rave, dance, music or other entertainment event" that might attract
some attendees that would use or sell drugs.
"In both cases, it doesn't matter if the concert promoter and property
owner try to prevent people from using drugs. Nor does it matter if
the vast majority of people attending the event are law-abiding
citizens that want to listen to music not do drugs.
"Both the House RAVE Act and the Senate Anti-Proliferation Act would
make it easier for federal prosecutors to fine and imprison business
owners that fail to stop drug offenses from occurring. Businessmen and
women could be prosecuted even if they were not involved in drugs --
and even if they took steps to stop drug use on their property. Both
bills would also eradicate electronic dance music and culture, as we
know it.
"Although proponents of the bill are seeking to target raves (and DJs,
nightclub owners, and rave promoters have the most to fear), the law
would apply to any business owner, including bar owners, motel owners,
concert promoters, and cruise ship owners. Because of its broad
language, the proposed law would even potentially subject people to
twenty years in federal prison if one or more of their guests smoked
marijuana at their party or barbecue."
The Drug Policy Alliance has more information on this outrage --
including full texts of the bills and a way to easily send a free fax
to Congressional representatives -- at the URL below.
(Source: Drug Policy Alliance:
http://actioncenter.drugpolicy.org/action/index.asp?step=2&item=1516 )