Maxine Doogan reports that our campaign is going to be featured on the NBC nightly news at 11p.m. tonight (that Channel 4, I believe; don't watch too much TV, sometimes have trouble keeping them straight). She also says that radio station KFOG (104.5 FM) and affiliated stations will have a half-hour piece on Saturday Sept. 20 from 5:30 to 6:00 a.m.
Most importantly as far as activism, the Commission on the Status of Women will be discussing Prop. K at their meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 24 (5:00 p.m., SF City Hall, Rm. 408), and allowing 2-3 minutes of public comment per person. So as with our Democratic County Central Committee victory, it will be important for us to get as many people to show up and speak as possible. So please plan to be there if you are able!
More details and commentary from Maxine below...
Love & Liberty,
((( starchild )))