Primary tomorrow!

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Don't forget tomorrow's primary election.

There is a contested race for Senate: Orange County Superior Court Judge
Jim Gray is vying with long-time Libertarian activist Gail Lightfoot for
the chance to take on Barbara Boxer. And three candidates are seeking the
presidential nomination: talk-show host Gary Nolan, independent businessman
and Constitutional scholar Michael Badnarik, and Hollywood producer Aaron

There are also important ballot measures. The LP of California and of San
Francisco recommend:

NO on 55
NO on 56
NO on 57
NO on 58

YES on E
NO on G
NO on H
NO on I

Harland Harrison for US Representative, District 12
David Rhodes for State Senate, District 3
Chris Maden for State Assembly, District 12
Jonathan Scott Marvin for State Assembly, District 13

Vote early and vote... once.

- --
Christopher R. Maden, Chair, Libertarian Party of San Francisco
The Party of Principle: individual freedom and personal responsibility
<URL: > +1.415.775.LPSF
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