Political Chat

Hi Everyone,

Last night's Political Chat was very interesting and
enlightening. Since we didn't decide on a topic ahead
of time, we talked a little about various topics such
as immigration, Anarchists and Libertarians, the
second amendment, etc.

I was surprised and also enlightened to hear such
varying views on such topics among Libertarians. I was
challenged to critically think out my views to express
and support them, and I think others were, as well.
This is exactly what the chat is about, and I want to
thank those that were there for attending and

Alona (my wife, who was also there) was wondering how
Libertarians can decide on a common platform with such
varying views on such topics? Sounds like another
topic for another Politcal Chat.

I would like to decide on a topic or two ahead of
time, before the next chat. Any suggestions? I would
also like to know who can confirm that they will be
there next Wednesday at the Sheesh Mahal, from 7:00pm
- 10:00PM, on Polk St. between Post and Sutter. Thanks
again to those that showed up yesterday.

By the way, is there a DAF meeting next Wednesday?

Dave Barker.

Hi Dave,

  Sorry I did not make it to the chat. There was a Burning Man film screening that night I decided I couldn't miss. I'll try to make it to the next one.

  Regarding the DAF, we are scheduled to do the candidates night this Wednesday. Does anyone have any suggestions regarding format? Last time we just sort of did "first come, first serve," but it didn't really work that well. I'd like to have something a bit more organized.

  The other thing is, we know we are supporting Mike Denny. The only reason to have other mayoral candidates would be if Instant Runoff Voting is in effect. But right now that is not happening, barring a victory in the lawsuit filed by the Center for Voting Democracy and others. What are people's thoughts on who to invite, and format? I think this ought to be a group decision, but it needs to happen ASAP.

Yours in liberty,
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