Political Chat

Hi Everyone,

I just want to say how interesting the last Political
Chat was. We had about 9 people show up, including the
future Mayor of SF, and had a very interesting talk
about 'anti-trust' laws and business.

I think many questions and concerns were addressed and
discussed, and I think that a few misconceptions about
Libertarian belifes, anti-trust laws, and mercantilism
were discussed and cleared up.

I learned a lot, yet, I still haven't had anyone show
me an example of an anti-trust law, or an incident
where government involvement ever solved a problem or
made something better in this area.

Besides Kelly and I, I hadn't seen the other
participants at a political chat before. This is
great. I can only hope that we continue to have a
gathering of people like this to share their
experience and opinions on the topic of the evening,
along with the people who usually attend the Chats,
when they get back into town.

I would like to ask for suggestions about the next
topic to be discussed this coming Wednesday. Even
though we talked about anti-trust laws at the last
chat, we didn't talk about things like tarrifs,
products made in other countries, or other
protectionist-type measures. Should we continue the
discussion of businesses and goods and services from
last week and focus on tarrifs and protectionist
measures, or should we shift to something different?
Any suggestions are welcome. I didn't forget about Dr.
Edelstein's suggestons, as well, about Libertarian
candidates and the definition of government.

I want to thank everyone for coming last Wednesday and
I hope to see you all at the next one. Please bring
your Democrat and Republican friends!

Dave Barker.