Police Redeployment Petition and the Peace Officers Bill of Rights

Dear Everyone;

As a background to our Police Redeployment Petition we need to be aware of the California Peace Officers Bill of Rights. This was signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown back in 1977 and was supported by the ACLU. This Peace Officers Bill of Rights controls what actions can be taken against a peace officer.

Public Safety Officers Procedural Bill of Rights Act.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian

Dear Ron,

Thank you for this information! A couple of things come to my mind:
1) We are not petitioning anything "against" the police, right? If we
design our presentations well, we should have nothing in our petition
(in writing or in spirit) which violates any of the basic rights
ennumerated in the Peace Officers Bill of Rights. 2) This thought
might be far fetched; but I can visualize city police needing
protection (such as the POBR) against state or federal agencies. For
example, suppose the Feds really got nasty about going after San
Francisco marijuana clinics, and decided to intimidate the City
police who abided by San Francisco law; things could get ugly. So
the POBR could be seen as a good thing for the purposes of our


--- In lpsf-discuss@yahoogroups.com, Ron Getty <tradergroupe@...>

Dear Everyone;

As a background to our Police Redeployment Petition we need to be

aware of the California Peace Officers Bill of Rights. This was
signed into law by Gov. Jerry Brown back in 1977 and was supported by
the ACLU. This Peace Officers Bill of Rights controls what actions
can be taken against a peace officer.

Dear Marcy;

There's nothing in the Police Petition which would violate the POBR. The likelihood of the State of California getting nasty about medical marijuana clinics is remote because of state medical marijuana law.

We already know the DEA will raid medical clinics. But if an officer violated City and State law in giving help to the DEA raiders and actively assisting that's another matter and the officers(s) involved should get whatever they deserve. Firing suspension fines etc etc etc. and tough about that.

Ron Getty
SF Libertarian