Police Commission may be voting on Tasers again (August 15, 530pm, City Hall Rm. 400)

The Police Commission will be hearing a presentation about a pilot program for the use of Tasers by the SFPD (see details in attachment) at their upcoming meeting August 15th at 530pm in Room 400 of SF City Hall (corner of Polk & Grove streets).

  Civil liberties advocates generally oppose the use of Tasers by police departments, as they have been frequently used gratuitously by officers armed with them, and their use can cause serious, lasting injury or even death. Hundreds of people in the United States have died from being Tasered. Here are a few links with more information:


  Please try to come to speak during public comment at the Police Commission hearing to oppose this pilot program, and/or send a letter to the Police Commission, <SFPD.Commission@...>, or call them at (415) 553-1667. Opposition from the public has stopped past attempts to get Tasers into the SFPD, but they keep trying.

Love & Liberty,
                                   ((( starchild )))

noon8window.pdf (36 Bytes)

noon8window.pdf (36 Bytes)

Hi Starchild,

Thank you for these announcements. Today I had a chance to post this one on the new LPSF list of events. However, I see an agenda for 8/1/12 containing the subject of tasers, so I posted that one first. If you know that the 8/1/12 meeting was moved to 8/15/12, let me know and I will change the date on the website.
