Please don't post news articles to Issues section of LPSF website

I just finished moving one-by-one a whole bunch of mis-classified articles

Unless what you've written is a generalized position paper on an issue (i.e.
why we oppose war, why we support drug legalization, why we oppose taxes,
why we support gay rights, etc.), please do not post it in the About LPSF /
Issues category. Instead, please post to News / Latest. Good hints that
something belongs in News / Latest instead of About LPSF / Issues include
references to items/candidates on an upcoming ballot, links to recent news
articles, and references to politicians currently in office. Issues
articles ought to be somewhat timeless, where it takes some really big
change to make the article obsolete (such as the 2003 Lawrence v Texas
decision that made our article against sodomy laws obsolete).

